In the last 2 weeks, started + finished Detective Pikachu (the game) and replayed #Pokemon Legends Arceus to fill my living form dex (needed another Enamorus and Shaymin). #DetectivePikachu was a fun and chill little game. #LegendsArceus reminded me how out of practice I am with action segments 😅
#pokemon #detectivepikachu #legendsarceus
I'm levelling up a Stantler so I can evolve it. I just threw it out and it was asleep. 🥰😭 #Pokemon #LegendsArceus
At least Arceus gets it. The Linking Cable item should be in all Pokémon games. #Pokemon #LegendsArceus
This Beni guy sucks. There's pride in your work and then there's arrogance. #Pokemon #LegendsArceus
The evolution animation and music is a lot more aggressive. I keep expecting the normal "doot doot de doot" and instead I get some dope drum solo. #Pokemon #LegendsArceus
Hahaha I like that when you launch the final balm pouch at a frenzied Pokémon it does it in slow motion, like it's a frickin Sniper Elite game. #Pokemon #LegendsArceus
It seems I suck at Pokémon Dark Souls as much as I suck at regular Dark Souls. #Pokemon #LegendsArceus
"When you press Y to dodge, you'll become invulnerable to Pokémon attacks for a brief moment"
So I frames? What is this a FromSoft game? #Pokemon #LegendsArceus
Me: OK Google, what is Lilligant weak to?
Google Home: Poison, Bug and 2 others.
The characters in #Pokemon #LegendsArceus are like...the opposite of the characters from S/V.
One minor interaction and suddenly people on the verge of zealotry (don't think that's a word) to their respective clans, suddenly have a complete personality shift.
It's a bit weird they've renamed a bunch of stuff. I get why they've done it, because olden times, but it's kind of reinventing the wheel innit? #Pokemon #LegendsArceus
As I said to someone else, I'm glad I played Violet first so I didn't feel like I was missing all these mechanics that I was expecting to be in it. #Pokemon #PokemonSV #LegendsArceus
#pokemon #PokemonSV #legendsarceus
Also I Tooted that I'd like to be able to sleep until a certain time of day, well you can do that to. #LegendsArceus feels much more feature rich that S/V. #Pokemon
Literally, yesterday I was thinking "it'd sure be nice to battle multiple Pokémon, kind of like swarms, but different kinds" and wouldn't you know, you can do that in #LegendsArceus. #Pokemon
The lock on/targeting system could use some work, but it's better than whatever was going on in S/V. I still want binoculars or a scope of some sort though because if I can see it, I shouldn't need to be stood on top of it to get information about it. #Pokemon #LegendsArceus
If they implement some of these mechanics into a standard Pokémon game, then I'd be all about that. It's just simple QoL things like giving you a notification when a Pokémon is ready to evolve, instead of just doing it. #Pokemon #LegendsArceus
The clans are the Diamond Clan and the Pearl clan.
LIKE THE GAMES YOU SEE? Very clever. #Pokemon #LegendsArceus
Please tell me that it's not all fucking tutorial becasue I'm sick of talking to these people. Just let me go and I'll work the rest out. #Pokemon #LegendsArceus
I would love a full national dex version of this. No gyms or anything, just wandering the countryside beating up rodents and catching critters. #Pokemon #LegendsArceus