Kotaku: Arcane Season 2 Will Reportedly Release Winter 2024 https://kotaku.com/arcane-netflix-league-of-legends-season-2-release-date-1850796722?utm_source=regular #gaming #tech #kotaku #legendsofruneterra #leagueoflegends #nicololaurent #riotgames #fortiche #arinotis #netflix #tencent #arcane #sports #jinx #vi
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #legendsofruneterra #leagueoflegends #nicololaurent #riotgames #fortiche #arinotis #netflix #tencent #Arcane #sports #jinx #vi
Kotaku: Disney's Magic: The Gathering Clone Now Has A Fan-Made Digital App https://kotaku.com/disney-lorcana-tcg-cards-pixelborn-free-digital-client-1850762959 #gaming #tech #kotaku #digitalcollectiblecardgames #multiplayeronlinegames #collectiblecardgame #legendsofruneterra #technologyinternet #magicthegathering #videogamegenres #windowsgames #tradingcard #dicebreaker #hearthstone #pavelkolev #pixelborn #disney #mickey
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #digitalcollectiblecardgames #multiplayeronlinegames #collectiblecardgame #legendsofruneterra #technologyinternet #MagictheGathering #videogamegenres #windowsgames #tradingcard #dicebreaker #hearthstone #pavelkolev #pixelborn #disney #mickey
I find myself playing here more than the usual ladder grind. I think imma stay here for a while. #LegendsOfRuneterra
So, I've been playing a lot of #LegendsOfRuneterra as of late, mostly fueled by the wish to get the battle pass done that I paid for at the start because I'd feel bad to not spend at least some money each season on this game. It's so generous, it hurts.
Anyhow, I'm on a good track to getting all the rewards in not too much time. At the current rate, I need to earn 17.54 tokens/day to get everything... and atm, I'm earning 24t/day, so that's great.
But I already got everything I wanted, so...
Crazy how when I got in the #reading chair my evening plans went from: play #legendsofruneterra, immediately into reading.
Stupid #cgpgrey and being right all the time
#reading #legendsofruneterra #cgpgrey
So many Fizz/Samira decks in casual and ranked at the moment that it's making me 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤢 🤢 🤢
Legends of Runeterra lanza su versión 4.3.0: Gloria en Navori
#Noticias #Expansión #GloriaenNavori #LegendsofRuneterra #RiotGames
#noticias #expansion #gloriaennavori #legendsofruneterra #riotgames
¿Ya viste lo que llega a #LegendsOfRuneterra con su nueva versión?
It's back to these two again.
Legends of Runeterra presenta sus novedades para 2023 y los cambios en su ecosistema competitivo
#noticias #legendsofruneterra #riotgames
La primera demo jugable del frenético juego de disparos en RV, GAZZLERS llega al Steam Next Fest
#noticias #legendsofruneterra #riotgames
Like certain card games with the increase in overall card pool, it's inevitable that LoR will have a Standard format soon. And LoR-exclusive champions? That would be interesting.
I queued on Normal/Casual and was paired with the same opponent 3 times. Doesn't want to play with me so he surrendered 3 times in a row, leveling up Kat to 1...
...But after that, I'm on a losing streak. I think I just don't know how to play Katarina/Gwen decks. 😅
Except for Sivir, Imma try to bump you all casually to 1. It will take a while tho since some y'all are off-meta. #LegendsOfRuneterra
I kinda missed you a bit, #LegendsOfRuneterra. It's been almost a month since I last played. Let me bump you to 1, Zoe.
No #LegendsOfRuneterra patch this week? Sad times. Oh well, that gives me a little more time to climb with the current patch.
This season's rank in #LegendsofRuneterra brought to you by the Ruinous Acolyte card #LoR
La saga de los Oscuros: Aniquilador de mundos llega a Legends of Runeterra
#Noticias #LasagadelosOscuros:Aniquiladordemundos #LeagueofLegends #LegendsofRuneterra #LoL #RiotGames
#noticias #lasagadelososcuros #LeagueOfLegends #legendsofruneterra #lol #riotgames