All my Christmas lego is now built, with a couple of neat Boxing Day sale surprises in the post still to arrive.
All donations for a new display cabinet gratefully accepted.
#AFOL #TheMandalorian #HarryPotter #Lego90years #LionKnightsCastle #MedievalBlacksmith #StarWars #TheOffice #Seinfeld #Ghostbusters #BackToTheFuture #EveryoneIsAwesome
#afol #themandalorian #harrypotter #lego90years #lionknightscastle #medievalblacksmith #starwars #theoffice #seinfeld #ghostbusters #backtothefuture #everyoneisawesome
How could I celebrate LEGO history through BrickHeadz and not include Bionicle?
I give you Tahu!
Get the instructions on @Rebrickable
#LEGO #BrickHeadz #90YearsOfPlay #LEGO90Years #Bionicle #Tahu
You can find instructions for all the BrickHeadz in the series on Rebrickable. Just search for the tag #BrickHeadz90
#lego #BrickHeadz #90YearsOfPlay #lego90years #bionicle #tahu #brickheadz90
How could I celebrate LEGO history through BrickHeadz and not include Bionicle?
I give you Tahu!
Get the instructions on @Rebrickable
#LEGO #BrickHeadz #90YearsOfPlay #LEGO90Years #Bionicle #Tahu
You can find instructions for all the BrickHeadz in the series on Rebrickable. Just search for the tag #BrickHeadz90
#lego #BrickHeadz #90YearsOfPlay #lego90years #bionicle #tahu #brickheadz90
I have a few more in my series „90 Years of Play – Reenacted by BrickHeadz“ and this one honors the adorable contribution to the LEGO lore that is Fabuland!
Here is Edward Elephant!
Get the instructions on @Rebrickable
#LEGO #BrickHeadz #90YearsOfPlay #LEGO90Years #Fabuland #Elephant #EdwardElephant
#lego #BrickHeadz #90YearsOfPlay #lego90years #fabuland #elephant #edwardelephant
The mighty Black Seas Barracuda triumphantly sailed into the hearts of LEGO fans around the world in 1989 and is the next entry in my series „90 Years of Play – Reenacted by BrickHeadz“
Get the instructions on @Rebrickable
#LEGO #BrickHeadz #90YearsOfPlay #LEGO90Years #Pirates #Barracuda
#lego #BrickHeadz #90YearsOfPlay #lego90years #pirates #barracuda
Just when you thought my series „90 Years of Play – Reenacted by BrickHeadz“ could not get any crazier, I give you:
The Yellow Castle!
Get the instructions on @Rebrickable
#LEGO #BrickHeadz #90YearsOfPlay #LEGO90Years #ClassicCastle #Castle #YellowCastle
#lego #BrickHeadz #90YearsOfPlay #lego90years #ClassicCastle #castle #YellowCastle
Next up in my series „90 Years of Play – Reenacted by BrickHeadz“:
Classic Space!
Get the instructions on @Rebrickable
#LEGO #BrickHeadz #90YearsOfPlay #LEGO90Years #ClassicSpace #Spaceship
#lego #BrickHeadz #90YearsOfPlay #lego90years #ClassicSpace #spaceship
Just a little reminder (and never before tooted) on what started the idea for my series „90 Years of Play – Reenacted by BrickHeadz“:
The Pull-Along Ducks!
#LEGO #BrickHeadz #90YearsOfPlay #LEGO90Years #Duck #WoodenDuck #PullAlongDuck
#lego #BrickHeadz #90YearsOfPlay #lego90years #duck #WoodenDuck #PullAlongDuck
I finally started uploading instructions for my series „90 Years of Play – Reenacted by BrickHeadz“ to @Rebrickable
First up is the Ferguson Tractor!
#LEGO #BrickHeadz #90YearsOfPlay #LEGO90Years #Ferguson #Tractor
#lego #BrickHeadz #90YearsOfPlay #lego90years #ferguson #tractor