Shepherd’s pie made with leftover sous vide leg of lamb, onions, carrots, pearl onions, celery, and frozen peas. Topped with smashed potatoes made with leftover roasted potatoes, and the leftover lamb filling paste (onions, garlic, pecans, currants, dates, rosemary). #dinner #leftovers #sousvide #legoflamb #shepherdspie
#dinner #leftovers #sousvide #legoflamb #shepherdspie
Merry xmas to you and yours!
May your day be full of comfort, joy, and so many tasty foods đŸ˜‹
Last nights supper:
The issue of #TheNewYorker bearing the date of my Bar Mitzvah contained #fiction by both #SJPerleman and #IBSinger so that's #MyCityInRuins. #SaigonSupersound #LegofLamb #SmokerChips #HollyCole #OrsonWelles #AlfredHitchcock #TheRecognitions #KevinBarry #SteveCarella #JoshuaFerris #TheWannadies #ImABeliever #TheNewPornographers #MichaelMcKean #Tonkotsu #Jeeves #Bertie #ChangMai #Songkran #KarlStruss #SaulBass #LeslieRagan #HarryNilsson #TheBasementTapes #Jockstrap #HoneyHush #BettyBoop #SCTV
#sctv #bettyboop #honeyhush #jockstrap #thebasementtapes #harrynilsson #leslieragan #SaulBass #karlstruss #songkran #changmai #bertie #Jeeves #Tonkotsu #michaelmckean #thenewpornographers #ImABeliever #thewannadies #joshuaferris #stevecarella #kevinbarry #therecognitions #alfredhitchcock #orsonwelles #HollyCole #smokerchips #legoflamb #saigonsupersound #mycityinruins #ibsinger #sjperleman #fiction #thenewyorker