Het Asterix project is vandaag in de review ronde gekomen.
Dat wil zeggen dat mensen van #LEGO en #LEGOIdeas nu gaan beslissen of het project waar ik figuurtjes voor heb ontworpen officieel als LEGO set wordt uitgebracht.
Spannend! 😬
My wife and I are big fans of the #lego botanicals collection and this looks like a perfect follow up. #insects #legostodon #legoideas
#lego #insects #legostodon #legoideas
LEGO Presenta il Nuovo Set LEGO Ideas Collezione di Insetti https://www.branzilla.org/lego-presenta-il-nuovo-set-lego-ideas-collezione-di-insetti/ #CollezioneDiInsetti #FarfallaMorfoBlu #LegoIdeas #MantideCinese #ScarabeoErcole
#collezionediinsetti #farfallamorfoblu #legoideas #mantidecinese #scarabeoercole
A closer look at the LEGO Ideas set. Reviewed by a zoologist.
"Join us as we get out our magnifying glasses and take a closer look at this seemingly beautiful build. The set, which contains 1111 pieces, will be available Sept. 7th and retail for US $79.99 | CAN $99.99 | UK £69.99."
#Lego should make a Blame! series of models. Would love smooth surface chasms with pepperings of architectural differences. Maybe a special megastructure one or toha heavy industries multi-model? #manga #legoideas
Ich hab da was schickes gebaut...
K2+K3 waren wieder fleißig am #Lego bauen.
Dieses Mal sind es ein #totoro mit den kleinen Totoros +Mei, Saki und ihr Papa geworden. Ach und ein Rußmännchen ist auch dabei.
#legoideas #lego #kreativekinder
#lego #totoro #legoideas #kreativekinder
Modellvorschlag "Classic Train Station 'New Brickstown'" von "lego_kasper" auf der Lego Ideas Plattform.
Kleinerer Maßstab als üblich, Gleise in vier anstatt sechs Noppen Breite und somit H0 angenähert.
#Lego #LegoIdeas #Eisenbahn #ModellEisenbahn #MehrZuege
#mehrzuege #modelleisenbahn #eisenbahn #legoideas #lego
My latest submission to LEGO Ideas:
The Gnome and his Magical Mushrooms 🍄
Thanks for all the support so far #lego #legoideas #gnome
Ein wirklich gelungenes Set von Lego. Van Goghs Sternennacht. Macht sich sehr gut an der Wand.
#lego #legoideas #thestarrynight
RT @CptMutant
Tomorrow, we'll be (unexpectedly) revealing some news about our LEGO Ideas Stargate design. Tune in from 12pm UK time...
#WeWantStargate #stargatesg1 #stargate #legoideas #LEGO
If this Lego pin-up of the moon reaches 10,000 votes, Lego will mass produce it. VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!
#legos #legoideas #moon #astroporn #astropinup #astronomy
#gegyrolqrw skcs rob qaw #MAIREgacu prgam kcu c frga pclab?
#gegyrolqrw #mairegacu #legoideas #threeinvestigators #secretdetectivecode
Our newest #LEGOIdeas submission features #LEGO dioramas recreating the covers of the first #ThreeInvestigator adventures!! Each model showcases one of the teenage sleuths as they investigate #TerrorCastle, a #StutteringParrot and a #WhisperingMummy!!
All details here ⬇️
#legoideas #lego #threeinvestigator #terrorcastle #stutteringparrot #whisperingmummy
Os alla'i cael 10,000 o gefnogwyr, bydd Lego yn ystyried gwneud set go iawn o hon! Cefnogwch yma bit.ly/3IMWPY2. Cymryd llai na munud. #Cymru #Cymraes #lego #legoideas
#legoideas #lego #Cymraes #cymru
#ThreeInvestigators #TerrorCastle #StutteringParrot #WhisperingMummy #WeInvestigateAnything #LEGO #LEGOIdeas #AFOL
#threeinvestigators #terrorcastle #stutteringparrot #whisperingmummy #weinvestigateanything #lego #legoideas #afol
Because #AChristmasCarol isn't just for #Christmas!
#achristmascarol #christmas #lego #legoideas #welovemocs #afol
Because #AChristmasCarol isn't just for #Christmas!
#achristmascarol #christmas #lego #legoideas #welovemocs #afol