# 42/50 prints done
Eight more designs and edition printings to go. On schedule to finish the series this year.
#legoletterpress #50vogels #printmaking
Bonte vliegenvanger / European Pied Flycatcher / Ficedula hypoleuca
Bird 42 in a series of 50. Finally found a way to print a tapered beak!
#printmaking #LegoLetterpress #letterpress #MastoArt #Letterpress #bird #art
#art #bird #MastoArt #letterpress #legoletterpress #printmaking
Na tien jaar ontwikkelen, experimenteren en produceren gaan we laten zien wat er allemaal kan met LEGO letterpress. Oktober 2023 verschijnt een uniek boek met werken van Martijn van der Blom en Roy Scholten, allemaal ontworpen en gedrukt met het bekende speelgoed als basismateriaal.
Wil je als eerste horen wanneer het boek verkrijgbaar is, laat dan je email achter via
en we houden je op de hoogte.
#printmaking #letterpress #LegoLetterpress #grafiek #kunst #boek
#boek #kunst #grafiek #legoletterpress #letterpress #printmaking
Bird print 41 of 50 done. Into the single digits for what's left to do!
#printmaking #50vogels #LegoLetterpress
#legoletterpress #50vogels #printmaking
Heggenmus / Dunnock / Prunella modularis
#printmaking #LegoLetterpress #birds #art
#art #birds #legoletterpress #printmaking
Short, sped up, video leafing through test prints of some of my LEGO bird prints.
#process #LegoLetterpress #birds #MastoArt
#MastoArt #birds #legoletterpress #process
Four of seven print runs done.
#printmaking #LegoLetterpress #bird #art #wip
#wip #art #bird #legoletterpress #printmaking
More LEGO letterpress prints. Working on a publication (in Dutch and English) showcasing what you can achieve with #LegoLetterpress #printing
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Printing LEGO ornaments on the platen press. Excited about the very clean prints this gives.
#printmaking #LegoLetterpress #letterpress #BlackAndWhite
#BlackAndWhite #letterpress #legoletterpress #printmaking
40 of 50 bird prints done. 10 to go!
#printmaking #LegoLetterpress #art #MastoArt #birds #50vogels
#50vogels #birds #MastoArt #art #legoletterpress #printmaking
Groenling / European Greenfinch / Chloris chloris
Edition of 20.
This is bird print 40 of 50. That's print 780 to 800. 10 birds, 200 prints to go!
#art #bird #letterpress #legoletterpress #printmaking
Zwartkop / Eurasian Blackcap / Sylvia atricapilla
#FebruariVogelMaand #printmaking #LegoLetterpress #art #ArtistsOnMastodon #letterpress
#letterpress #artistsonmastodon #art #legoletterpress #printmaking #februarivogelmaand
Kauw / Western Jackdaw / Corvus monedula
Je ziet ze overal en al die tijd houden ze onderling het gesprek gaande.
You see them everywhere and they keep their conversation going at all times.
Oplage/Edition: 20
#printmaking #FebruariVogelMaand #letterpress #LegoLetterpress #birds #art
#art #birds #legoletterpress #letterpress #februarivogelmaand #printmaking
Grote gele kwikstaart / Grey Wagtail / Motacilla cinerea
#bird #birds #printmaking #LegoLetterpress #legoprint #art #letterpress #50vogels #FebruariVogelMaand
#februarivogelmaand #50vogels #letterpress #art #legoPrint #legoletterpress #printmaking #birds #bird
Gele kwikstaart / Blue-headed Wagtail / Motacilla flava
#FebruariVogelMaand #bird #printmaking #letterpress #LegoLetterpress #MastoArt #art
#art #MastoArt #legoletterpress #letterpress #printmaking #bird #februarivogelmaand
Witte kwikstaart / White Wagtail / Motacilla alba
#bird #printmaking #FebruariVogelMaand #LegoLetterpress #art #letterpress #50vogels
#50vogels #letterpress #art #legoletterpress #februarivogelmaand #printmaking #bird
Spreeuw / Common Starling / Sturnus vulgaris
#bird #printmaking #LegoLetterpress #art #letterpress #artbooster #FebruariVogelMaand #50vogels
#50vogels #februarivogelmaand #artbooster #letterpress #art #legoletterpress #printmaking #bird