One thing led to another, and some how he found himself exploring underneath a tree.
It seemed quite cave like really.
#TalesFromTheToyShelf #LegoInsta #legominifigs #devonlife #legophotography #legostagram #LegoPhoto #legophotographer #brickphotography #brickphoto #Toystagram #Toystagram_lego #ToyPhotography #StuckInPlastic
#TalesFromTheToyShelf #legoinsta #legominifigs #devonlife #LegoPhotography #legostagram #legophoto #legophotographer #brickphotography #brickphoto #toystagram #toystagram_lego #toyphotography #stuckinplastic
The things people will do for science; like swallowing LEGO minifig heads to see how long it takes to reappear at the 'other end'.
It sounds funny, but it is serious science, with relevance to pediatricians dealing with kids swallowing LEGO parts.
#science #biology #lego #children #toys #legominifigs