My design for Harga's House of Ribs is complete! Decided to give the Disc's only Private Investigator (Lewton from the video game, Discworld Noir) an office upstairs.
I can't wait to build it!
#LEGO #legomodular #Legoankhmorpork #legomasters #legocity #legodiscworld #legomoc #legocastle #discworld #terrypratchett
#lego #legomodular #legoankhmorpork #LegoMasters #LegoCity #LegoDiscworld #legomoc #legocastle #discworld #terrypratchett
Me and my boys worked on our #lego street to get it ready for #christmas #holiday. #legocity #legomodular
#lego #christmas #holiday #legocity #legomodular
My custom tiles have arrived from the good people at
Now the tram can display the correct terminus destination, along with the company details on either side.
Have also added a nice tram signpost on Modular Avenue and, finally, the Sanctum Sanctorum set has become an exclusive ‘Private Minifigure Establishment’
#lego #afol #legomodular
My custom tiles have arrived from the good people at
Now the tram can display the correct terminus destination, along with the company details on either side.
Have also added a nice tram signpost on Modular Avenue and, finally, the Sanctum Sanctorum set has become an exclusive ‘Private Minifigure Establishment’
#lego #afol #legomodular