ok i'm gonna randomly post old and recent pictures of characters from various obscure jrpgs that aren't FFIX here goes
❣️ #legrandlegacy (ERIS)
❣️ #popfulmail
❣️ #lunar #lunarsilverstarstory #lunarsilverstarharmony #lunarsilverstar (NASH)
❣️ #lennus #paladinsquest (CHEZNI)
#legrandlegacy #popfulmail #lunar #lunarsilverstarstory #lunarsilverstarharmony #lunarsilverstar #lennus #paladinsquest #art #FanArt
ok i'm gonna randomly post old and recent pictures of characters from various obscure jrpgs that aren't FFIX here goes
❣️ #legrandlegacy (ERIS)
❣️ #popfulmail
❣️ #lunar #lunarsilverstarstory #lunarsilverstarharmony #lunarsilverstar (NASH)
❣️ #lennus #paladinsquest (CHEZNI)
#legrandlegacy #popfulmail #lunar #lunarsilverstarstory #lunarsilverstarharmony #lunarsilverstar #lennus #paladinsquest #art #FanArt
meanwhile before I forget again here's a thing I did for SEMISOFT's Legrand Legacy in their Discord channel.
If you haven'ts played #LegrandLegacy you should. It's a good nostalgic indie jrpg.
meanwhile before I forget again here's a thing I did for SEMISOFT's Legrand Legacy in their Discord channel.
If you haven'ts played #LegrandLegacy you should. It's a good nostalgic indie jrpg.