"Three times a lady" gets a gorgeous lyrical dance by three of Legs & Co, dressed in white, in harsh spotlights.
City Boy had been on four weeks ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5k_ihBbAnSE
#TOTP #LegsAndCo #CityBoy
#DianaRoss's #TOTP video in the style of every Youtube clip these days.
They edited out #RoxyMusic' "Oh yeah (on the radio)", so for completeness...
Would we rather see Bryan Ferry or #LegsAndCo. Silly question.
#legsandco #RoxyMusic #totp #dianaross
#TopOfThePops #70sMusic #SiouxsieAndTheBanshees #LegsAndCo #ThePolice #RickyLeeJones #JanetKay #PublicImageLimited #PIL #Supertramp #ThinLizzy #JudieTzuke #TubewayArmy #GaryNuman
Top of the Pops 12th July 1979 720p Complete
The Police are very enthusiastic in their miming...
#topofthepops #70smusic #siouxsieandthebanshees #legsandco #thepolice #rickyleejones #supertramp #thinlizzy #judietzuke #tubewayarmy #garynuman #janetkay #publicimagelimited #pil
#KateBush #TopOfThePops #70sMusic #LegsAndCo
Kate Bush - Them Heavy People (Legs and Co) TOTP October 4th 1979
Legs & Co were obsolete 2 years later due to the proliferation of pop videos - but they certainly livened up the 7:20 slot on BBC1 on Thursday evenings.
#katebush #topofthepops #70smusic #legsandco