Sexual assault claims against Bruce #Lehrmann don't seem to be too rare & he's never be convicted of rape.
Perhaps that's because the allegations have been false (he's never been convicted).
But it could also be because of how difficult it is to reach the standard of proof in a #rape case given that there are rarely independent witnesses or much unambiguous evidence.
Through fault of his own, #Lehrmann may never work again so he wants compensation.
There were no legal findings of fault against him but most Australians recognise that he made some pretty serious mistakes even if they weren't technically crimes.
If it turns out that he can't get paid work again then he should apply to get the dole & may be required to complete mutual obligation work to receive it.
It may not be the work he wants but he is likely to get work.
The Queensland judge, Walter Sofronoff, found the decision by police and Mr Drumgold to prosecute Mr #Lehrmann was correct.
While individuals may have wronged Lehrmann, I doubt he'll get much compensation out of them.
He got away with it more than once, apparently.
#AusPol #Lehrmann
"Asked if he would like to see Sofronoff charged, Barr said the government is considering its options."
#AusPol #Lehrmann
What motivated Sofronof?
What motivated the police who so badly mismanaged the investigation?
What motivated the juror who sabotaged the trial (by doing what they'd been warned multiple times not to do)?
What motivated the forensic cleansing of the scene of the alleged crime?
Who the πΏ is Bruce Lehrmann?
#AusPol #Lehrmann
This just keeps getting worse! My reading is that there's substantial interference. Whatever's going on, we need it exposed.
From the beginning:
Who is Bruce Lehrmann? Most of what we know about him comes from what he said at his police interview. Can his words be trusted? At the age of 23, with no experience and no qualifications, how did Bruce become a "senior advisor" to Australia's Defence Minister? Given allegations about his past behaviour, how did Bruce avoid prosecution for so long?
Why did police investigators betray Brittany Higgins?
Who organised the sabotage of the trial?
Why did Sofronoff brief journalists (including Australia's least trustworthy, in Murdoch media)? Why did he release his report to journalists (again, to Murdoch media first) before passing it to government?
Will we ever know?
#AusPol #Lehrmann
@Qldaah lawyers, police, judges, politicians, media, senior public servants are all a part of the establishment that benefit from the cosy status quo.
Canβt have uppity prosecutors or women trying to implement change. They must be crucified in the media for their efforts.
#scummo #protectionracket #lehrmann #auspol #kangaroocourtofaustralia
#lehrmann #rapetrial #contempt #auspol #kangaroocourt
Who is Bruce Lehrmann? There are remarkable gaps in Bruce's backstory. We know little about him, beyond what he said when interviewed by police about Brittany Higgins' rape allegation.
In particular, the online record is suspiciously sparse. What has been erased? How did a bloke with practically no qualifications end up as a senior ministerial adviser in his early twenties?
"... the allegations were contained in articles that had since been removed from the internet and had been published before Lehrmann had been charged and named."
#Lehrmann #Justice
@Mtsandersen He's another #rapist who got away with it, & now has the unbelievable gall to further use the legal-but-certainly-not-justice system as a weapon against those speaking out truth against him. I hope this slimeball accidentally falls under a bus, or more aptly, is accidentally backed-over by a garbage truck.