"I Was Made for Dancin'" is a song written by #MichaelLloyd and performed by #LeifGarrett. It reached #4 on the #UKSinglesChart, #10 on the Billboard Hot 100, and #38 on the #USAdultContemporaryChart. It also reached #2 in #Australia, #10 in #Germany, and #12 in #Japan. The song, produced by Lloyd and arranged by #JohnDAndrea, was featured on his 1978 album, #FeelTheNeed. The single ranked #37 on the Billboard Year-End Hot 100 singles of 1979.
#michaellloyd #leifgarrett #uksingleschart #usadultcontemporarychart #australia #germany #japan #johndandrea #feeltheneed
That time we were supposed to be recording music but our derriere was the same size so we chose to do a jeans ad. 😉😋
#WarnerCurb #LeifGarrett #AriaaJaeger
#warnercurb #leifgarrett #ariaajaeger
The Outsiders - movie poster.
#TheOutsiders #MoviePoster #Movie #80sMovie #SEHinton #MattDillon #cthomashowell #RalphMacchio #PatrickSwayze #DianeLane #RobLowe #EmilioEstevez #TomCruise #LeifGarrett #Celebrities
#theoutsiders #movieposter #movie #80smovie #sehinton #mattdillon #cthomashowell #ralphmacchio #patrickswayze #dianelane #roblowe #emilioestevez #tomcruise #leifgarrett #celebrities
wünsche ein netten Freitag Abend 🎵🎶🎼 #leifgarrett #iwasmadefordancinˋ #popmusic #danceparty
#leifgarrett #iwasmadefordancinˋ #popmusic #danceparty
wünsche ein netten Freitag Abend 🎵🎶🎼 #leifgarrett #iwasmadefordancinˋ #popmusic #danceparty
#leifgarrett #iwasmadefordancinˋ #popmusic #danceparty
wünsche ein netten Freitag Abend 🎵🎶🎼 #leifgarrett #iwasmadefordancinˋ #popmusic #danceparty
#leifgarrett #iwasmadefordancinˋ #popmusic #danceparty
wünsche ein netten Freitag Abend 🎵🎶🎼 #leifgarrett #iwasmadefordancinˋ #popmusic #danceparty
#danceparty #popmusic #iwasmadefordancinˋ #leifgarrett