Leigh Brackett's 1944 novel No Good from a Corpse is fine hardboiled stuff. A PI takes a case for a client he hates. There's a rich assortment of crooked PIs, deranged alcoholics, insane ex-cons and as many no-good dames as you could wish for.
My review: https://vintagepopfictions.blogspot.com/2013/07/no-good-from-corpse.html
#noir #noirfiction #hardboiled #hardboiledfiction #vintagecrime #1940scrime #crimefiction #privateeyes #LeighBrackett
#noir #noirfiction #hardboiled #hardboiledfiction #vintagecrime #1940scrime #crimefiction #privateeyes #leighbrackett
Spannend, wie sehr #DasGeflecht mit dem #ScienceFiction-Roman korrespondiert, den ich als letztes gelesen habe!
Wie #TheLongTommorrow spielt er "nach dem Großen Krieg", nur dass der offenbar länger als die zwei Generationen bei #LeighBrackett her ist, und auch hier ist ein Tabu um Technik und Naturausbeutung entstanden: "Bodenschätze [...] waren in der Erde [...]. Man musste sie dort lassen, sonst geschah großes Unglück."
Zwischen den beiden Romanen liegen fast siebzig Jahre!
(Seite 81)
#DasGeflecht #sciencefiction #thelongtommorrow #leighbrackett
Hui, konnte die Frau schreiben!
#TheLongTomorrow von #LeighBrackett ist eine gut durchdachte und durchfühlte Geschichte in der Schnittmenge zwischen #ScienceFiction und Great American Novel, genau richtig lang und immer wieder verblüffend im Unterlaufen meiner Leseerwartungen. Wirklich ein Solitär - ich kenne kein vergleichbares Buch. Für mich die erste Entdeckung des jungen Jahres.
(CW: Das Patriarchat bildet, nachvollziehbarerweise, sein Rückgrat.)
#thelongtomorrow #leighbrackett #sciencefiction #frauenlesen
"There's never been an act done since the beginning, from a kid stealing candy to a dictator committing genocide, that the person doing it didn't think he was fully justified. That's a mental trick called rationalizing, and it's done the human race more harm than anything else you can name."
Schön, einmal wieder von der Rationalisierung zu lesen! Ich fand diese Lupe zur Verhaltensbetrachtung immer sehr wichtig & erhellend, aber irgendwie ist sie aus der Mode geraten.
(page 163)
"It was a stupid world, full of stupid people. Fearful people, thinking that if the least little thing was changed the whole sky would fall on them. Stupid world. He hated it."
Das Lustige und erzählerisch Schöne daran ist, dass unser Held so weit auch nicht immer durch kluge Entscheidungen geglänzt hat.
Das Üble und Traurige, dass er von dieser "bekloppten Welt" als Kind mehrfach schwer traumatisiert wurde.
Schichten unterm Schlichten.
(#TheLongTomorrow, 1955/2014, page 86)
#leighbrackett #thelongtomorrow
Die weltneugierigen Jungs haben sich ein altes Radio, hm, organisiert. Aber sie kommen nicht damit zurecht.
"'We need a book,' said Esau. 'That's what we need. A book that tells all about these things.'
'Yes,' said Len. 'Sure. But where are you going to get one?'"
Bei Brackett schwingt immer so viel mit! Im Vordergrund ist alles ganz einfach und naiv und unpolitisch.
(#TheLongTomorrow, 1955/2014, page 40)
#leighbrackett #thelongtomorrow
Dryly put:
"[S]cientific and technological progress mean that with every passing year, we have more ways to do ourselves in. If you give us enough rope we'll hang ourselves and sometimes it seems like we're racing to make as much rope as we can, as if we're afraid we won't have time to hang ourselves before a comet hits us."
(Introduction to #TheLongTomorrow by #LeighBrackett, 1955/2014, page vii)
#patcadigan #thelongtomorrow #leighbrackett
#TheLongTomorrow (USA 1955) hat eine hübsche Prämisse:
"‘No city, no town, no community of more than one thousand people or two hundred buildings to the square mile, shall be built or permitted to exist anywhere in the United States of America.’
Thirtieth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States"
Der Roman spielt zwei Generationen nach einem Atomkrieg. Wie mir da heute wohl Klimakatastrophe, Solarpunk etc. reinfunken? Spannend!
#thelongtomorrow #leighbrackett #frauenlesen
Any weird fiction fans here? I'm talking about the real stuff, from Weird Tales of the 1920s/30s.
I got into the genre in the usual way, through Lovecraft. And in the usual way I started exploring work of various writers in his circle, and the work of writers whom Lovecraft admired.
Hashtags for some of the weird fiction writers I like:
#hplovecraft #ClarkAshtonSmith #CLMoore #LeighBrackett #algernonblackwood #arthurmachen #LordDunsany #RobertEHoward #weirdfiction #WeirdTales #SeaburyQuinn
#hplovecraft #clarkashtonsmith #clmoore #leighbrackett #algernonblackwood #arthurmachen #LordDunsany #robertehoward #weirdfiction #weirdtales #seaburyquinn
I'm a sci-fi fan but my tastes are strictly old school. I don't read anything written since the 90s. And not much written since the 60s, apart from some of the cyberpunk writers.
One of the first sci-fi novels I read was Arthur C. Clarke's The City and the Stars and I still regard it as one of the half dozen best sci-fi novels of all time.
Some writers I like -
#ArthurCClarke #murrayleinster #julesverne #hgwells #johnwyndham #fredhoyle #frederikpohl #conandoyle #williamgibson #leighbrackett
#ArthurCClarke #murrayleinster #julesverne #hgwells #johnwyndham #fredhoyle #frederikpohl #conandoyle #williamgibson #leighbrackett
Hach, #LeighBrackett wirkt auf ihren Pressefotos aus allen Jahren ihrer Karriere immer so frisch und frech und selbstbewusst, dass es eine Freude ist.
Und der sehr gute Artikel von Matthias Hofmann im aktuellen #phantastisch-Magazin macht große Lust, mal wieder was von ihr zu lesen. Ich habe als Kind in den #Utopia-Heften und als Jugendlicher in den #TerraFantasy-Taschenbüchern ab und zu was von ihr gelesen - das ist viel zu lange her.
#leighbrackett #phantastisch #utopia #terrafantasy #sciencefiction #fantasy
Leigh Brackett’s sword-and-planet adventure The Sword of Rhiannon was published in book form in 1953. It had been serialised in Thrilling Wonder Stories in 1949, as Sea-Kings of Mars.
The Mars of this story is now largely a desert planet but it had a glorious past and was once green and lush.
There's an ambiguous hero. And there's a beautiful but evil queen, always a plus.
My review: https://vintagepopfictions.blogspot.com/2017/12/leigh-bracketts-sword-of-rhiannon.html
#swordandplanetfiction #swordandplanet #LeighBrackett #pulpfiction #scifi
#swordandplanetfiction #swordandplanet #leighbrackett #pulpfiction #scifi
Seen a few people listing 5-7 of their favorite authors as hashtags (so we can boost the lists we like and find each other). Here are some of mine…
#UrsulaLeGuin #UrsulaKLeGuin #Earthsea
#EdgarRiceBurroughs #Barsoom
#CJCherryh #Morgaine
#TanithLee #Cyrion #TheStormlord
#ChinaMieville #BasLag #Kraken
7 is not enough…
…I could go on
#thrillers #weirdfiction #urbanfantasy #swordandplanet #marionzimmerbradley #clivebarker #neilgaiman #leighbrackett #LordDunsany #robertehoward #kraken #baslag #ChinaMieville #RaymondChandler #thestormlord #cyrion #tanithlee #morgaine #cjcherryh #barsoom #edgarriceburroughs #earthsea #ursulakleguin #ursulaleguin
Leigh Brackett’s 1949 novella Enchantress of Venus introduced her most famous series character, Eric John Stark. A fairly typical sword-and-planet adventure but a well-crafted example of the breed. There’s a genuine sense of evil, and of decadence. There’s also a decidedly bleak and tragic edge to the tale.
My review: https://vintagepopfictions.blogspot.com/2017/10/leigh-bracketts-enchantress-of-venus.html
#LeighBrackett #swordandplanet #PlanetStories #pulpfiction #SciFi
#leighbrackett #swordandplanet #planetstories #pulpfiction #scifi
Another of my obsessions is sword-and-planet fiction. Edgar Rice Burroughs, Leigh Brackett, Poul Anderson and Catherine L. Moore's Northwest Smith stories being my favourites. Sword-and-planet fiction is basically sword-and-sorcery with science fiction elements in place of magic.
#swordandplanet #swordandplanet stories #swordandplanetfiction #edgarriceburroughs #poulanderson #catherinelmoore #clmoore #leighbrackett #swordandsorcery
#swordandplanet #swordandplanetfiction #edgarriceburroughs #PoulAnderson #catherinelmoore #clmoore #leighbrackett #swordandsorcery
Some writers I like, in various genres.
#lesliecharteris #hplovecraft #leighbrackett #alistairmaclean #ianfleming #raymondchandler #lendeighton #erlestanleygardner #robertehoward #arthurmachen #algernonblackwood #mrjames #edgarwallace #sheridanlefanu
#lesliecharteris #hplovecraft #leighbrackett #alistairmaclean #ianfleming #raymondchandler #LenDeighton #erlestanleygardner #robertehoward #arthurmachen #algernonblackwood #mrjames #edgarwallace #sheridanlefanu