lein2deps now comes with a leiningen plugin to automatically sync your project.clj to a deps.edn:
I have a #Clojure question related to #Ring. Is there a common or obvious reason that I can't get the #Leiningen #REPL to not hot reload?
(server/serve (if options/dev-env?
(wrap-reload handler )
#clojure #ring #leiningen #repl
in light of the hostile takeover of the freenode chat network (http://kline.sh/) I'm moving all the channels I operate over to https://libera.chat/
this includes #fennel #atreus and #leiningen
however, I won't be shutting down the freenode channels until matrix has bridging working for libera channels.
@emsenn that is a damn good question, and the fact that I honestly can't tell is something that keeps me up.
I know the ins and outs of how to make this work perfectly every time on Debian, but I don't think that's because it's intuitive or necessarily better than Fedora; it's because I've been using it since 2004. I'm 100% sure Debian has problems that would cause just as much frustration as Fedora is causing you now, but it's very difficult for me to identify them, because I instinctively work around them in ways I'm not even consciously aware of.
this is why any time a newbie shows up in the #fennel or #leiningen channels with trouble getting it working I sit down and start taking goddamn notes.
I am not an artist, but https://icosahedron.website/media/J0fS4INluJrJpRfurnE
Going thru my old repos on GitHub and I found a precursor to Leiningen called Corkscrew: https://github.com/technomancy/corkscrew
It's nearly ten years old. Always strange to look into another world of what might have been.