📹 🚀 Announce and cool showcase: I published a video showing MACROSTEP in the #Lem editor.
It's part of 18 videos for the new chapter on **macros** in my Udemy Common Lisp course!
https://www.udemy.com/course/common-lisp-programming/?couponCode=LISPMACROSPOWER (Lem video: last one)
Thanks for your support, it helps.
(student? I can send free links, plz PM)
#programming #commonlisp #lisp #lem
#Asimov was wrong, #Lem was wrong. All the #ScienceFiction authors of the 20th century claimed, humanity would build a #sentient #humanoid #android.
That's not how this will unfold. Humanity will first build a sentient #autonomous #car.
#Boomers don't want companions, they want wombs. Wombs on wheels if you will.
Think of #AI as Auto Intelligence. This even works in German: #KI is KraftfahrzeugIntelligenz. 😜
#ai #android #autonomous #ki #asimov #sciencefiction #boomers #lem #sentient #humanoid #car
Il tragicomico fallimento della #Russia con #Luna25 ha suscitato tra i #vatnik filorussi il negazionismo dell'#allunaggio. Gli americani sono stati sulla #Luna. Chiedete con educazione, magari vi portano il #Maalox di #SailorMoon
#LEM #Apollo
#russia #luna25 #vatnik #allunaggio #luna #maalox #sailormoon #lem #apollo
I've written a small version of the #emacs desktop mode package for #lem. It required serializing a point in the buffer. In emacs, point is just a numeric character offset In #lem-editor iit is a #CLOS object with line number, offset in the line, buffer and other details. It doesn't have a reader form; I'm not sure it's possible to save all of the fields, but I wonder I should attempt to make it serializable. I can reconstruct it given line number, offset and buffer name.
I'm not sure of the best way to restore the file buffer in lem. find-file is interactive and may do the wrong thing. I ended up using find-file-buffer, but am worried that it doesn't do everything when setting up the buffer. I get crashes after running desktop-restore.
My fickle attention has been captured by the #lem editor. An #emacs- ike editor implemented in #commonlisp. I've already contributed a couple of small changes, now I'm deep in to refreshing my common lisp knowledge.
There's a lot to learn about lem before I can do much useful. it has great cross referencing of functions, but I need to figure out to add the #sbcl tags as well.
lem uses #CLOS, but not as extensively as I would have thought. Which is probably smart.
#lem #emacs #commonlisp #sbcl #clos
@bkastl @ennopark kognitive Dissonanz...
Dazu gibt's einen Sachtext von Stanislav #Lem und Kurzgeschichten sowohl von ihm als auch Robert #Sheckley.
Das waren noch glückliche Zeiten, als das noch #ScienceFiction war.
#lem #sheckley #sciencefiction
Ci è stato segnalato un tweet che descrive in modo sarcastico e mistificatorio il #LEM, insinuando che non siamo stati davvero sulla #Luna e che oggi non esisterebbe più la tecnologia per tornarvi. Ci siamo stati, ma preferiamo ora usare i soldi altrove
Wenn wir dies Thema hier schon haben, sollten wir ihn nicht vergessen: Staislaw #Lem.
Im Buch #Transfer hat er gewiss eine Vision bzgl. #Roboter gehabt, die leider sehr zum Menschsein passt.(Seite 138-143 Ausgabe dtv)
Wer mehr über #Azimot wissen will, könnte dies interessant finden #zdf strahlte es mal aus, leider nicht mehr in der #Mediathek:
@ruoff @BlumeEvolution @Nike_Leonhard @MartinM @Neireh
#mediathek #zdf #azimot #roboter #transfer #lem
Kotaku: 10 Exciting Recent Trailers For PC Gamers Looking For Something New https://kotaku.com/pc-gaming-steam-fps-sci-fi-metroidvania-rpg-mmo-sgf-1850527924 #gaming #tech #kotaku #sangeantabletopportableaudiodevice #kleientertainment #stanisc582awlem #creativeworks #windowsgames #immersivesim #griftlands #regisiii #trailer #nivalis #creepy #films #dread #geoff #video #klei #lem #rpg #it
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #sangeantabletopportableaudiodevice #kleientertainment #stanisc582awlem #creativeworks #windowsgames #immersivesim #griftlands #regisiii #trailer #nivalis #creepy #films #dread #geoff #video #klei #lem #rpg #it
Commission reminder june 2023
Commission info:
Uncesored on my fanbox:
#loli #lolicon #cute #flatchest #pussy #oc #sketch #commission #lewchan #lem-chan
#loli #lolicon #cute #flatchest #pussy #oc #sketch #commission #lewchan #lem
451 Fahrenheita:
Politechnika Wrocławska (i nie tylko) inspiruje się Lemem
Politechnika Wrocławska w grudniu 2021 roku pochwaliła się muralem, na którym widnieje cytat z „Kongresu futurologicznego” Stanisława Lema [...] Jak się okazuje, cytat dotyczy… ĆPANIA! [...][…]
#fahrenheit_zin #lem #politechnikawroclawska #stanislawlem
»Politechnika Wrocławska (i nie tylko) inspiruje się Lemem«
Politechnika Wrocławska w grudniu 2021 roku pochwaliła się muralem, na którym widnieje cytat z „Kongresu futurologicznego” St…
#lem #politechnikawroclawska #stanislawlem
I was thinking that the #ScienceFiction works of Stanisław #Lem indirectly satirize corporate capitalism as they were intended to satirize state capitalism of the Eastern Bloc and these get similar with big enough corporations.
Then I learned that Lem was able to publish them due to the censors mistaking that for a satire of capitalism and the USA.
Happy school days
I'm really Happy with this work, They look super loving and cute!!!
Also, this "Pastel coloring" make them cutest as heaven!!!
Please take care of them.
Uncesored: https://lewlemartist.fanbox.cc/posts/5938965
Commission info: https://baraag.net/@lewlem/109632552319405028
#loli #lolicon #cute #flatchest #pussy #oc #oc #myart #lew-chan #lem-chan
#loli #lolicon #cute #flatchest #pussy #oc #myart #lew #lem
"even the most seemingly abstract, sublimely theoretical, mathematicized achievements of science have in reality moved only a step or two away from a prehistoric, coarsely sensory-based, anthropomorphic understanding of the world around us." #Lem
Utopia negativa fantascientifica che incrocia riflessioni filosofiche sulla natura umana al dramma del reduce.
#filosofia #fantascienza #lem #libri #mastolibri
#filosofia #fantascienza #lem #libri #mastolibri
Lem-CEO: "Hätten noch deutlich stärker wachsen können" - shorturl.at/bfvxE
Der Komponentenhersteller Lem blickt auf ein erfolgreiches Geschäftsjahr 2022/23 zurück. Das erste Mal wurde die 400-Millionen-Schwelle beim Umsatz geknackt. "Haupttreiber waren die zwei Geschäftsbereiche Automotive und Energieverteilung und Hochpräzision", erklärte Firmenchef Frank Rehfeld im Videointerview mit der Nachrichtenagentur AWP. #Lem #news
"Marzenia zawsze zwyciężą rzeczywistość, gdy im na to pozwolić." - Stanisław Lem, "Kongres Futurologiczny".
Ładny cytat motywacyjny, prawda? W sam raz na mural na Politechnice Wrocławskiej. Kiedy dwa lata temu PWr sprawiła sobie taki mural, coś mi zgrzytnęło, bo pamiętam, o czym był "Kongres Futurologiczny", ale nie chciało mi się sprawdzać, w jakim kontekście cytat był użyty w książce. Dzisiaj rektor PWr ogłosił, że cytat ów będzie mottem nowej strategii uczelni. Tym razem sprawdziłem kontekst, i cóż, jest tak, jak myślałem. Cytat jest o ćpaniu.
Moja była uczelnia, taka piękna.
#PolitechnikaWrocławska #politechnika #lem #fantastyka #ksiazki
#ksiazki #Fantastyka #lem #Politechnika #politechnikawroclawska
Lem steigert Umsatz 2022/23 deutlich bei rückläufigem Auftragseingang
Der Komponentenhersteller Lem hat im Geschäftsjahr 2022/23 (per Ende März) deutlich mehr Umsatz erzielt als im Jahr davor. Der Gewinn hingegen legte etwas moderater zu, so dass die operative Gewinnmarge auf hohem Niveau leicht zurückging. #Lem #news
Lem a soigné sa croissance et sa rentabilité en 2022/23
Lem affirme avoir profité des tendances lourdes vers l'électrification et la décarbonation sur l'exercice décalé 2022/23 clos fin mars. Les recettes et les résultats ont augmenté, ce qui devrait profiter aux actionnaires. #Lem #news