#Jerboa is buggy as shit. Just updated from a version that repeatedly crashed to a version that won't show anything but local groups. And #Lemmur hasn't updated in 10 months. Is there a usable open source #Android client? Otherwise I guess I'll give #Lemmy another shot if and when Jerboa works out the kinks.
#jerboa #lemmur #android #lemmy
@mondstern müsste ich jetzt auch erst recherchieren. Vielleicht weiß @Tealk das auf Anhieb:
Ist #Jerboa das Nachfolgeprojekt von #Lemmur von den gleichen Leuten oder unabhängig?
Cos’è Lemmy?
Il nostro canale Le Alternative Fresh prende automaticamente i post pubblicati sulla nostra comunità Lemmy (Feddit). Ma che cos'è Lemmy?
LINK --> https://www.lealternative.net/2022/04/06/cose-lemmy/
#OltreGoogle #Privacysuisocial #fediverso #lemmur #lemmy #lobster #protocolliaperti #reddit
#OltreGoogle #Privacysuisocial #fediverso #lemmur #lemmy #Lobster #protocolliaperti #reddit
Hi! I use on android:
On desktop: #gimp #linuxmint #rawtherapee
On both: #vlc #onlyoffice
#droid #Clipeus #aria2 #SimplyTranslate #wikipedia #feeder #radiodroid #glider #funkwhale #lemmur #tusky #pixeldroid #newpipe #fennec #PocketPaint #vectorify #aegis #AuthPass #gimp #linuxmint #rawtherapee #vlc #onlyoffice
After a few years of following your invaluable input, I have to ask whether you've participated in the https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fep community which addresses these very issues?
If not, then why not?
If so, what have been your personally most significant contributions to this #DeSoc and #legacy_silo_averting free namespsce?
Kindest regards,
#tallship #FOSS #Fediverse #FEP #lemmur #Spritely #ActivityPub #ActivityStreams #extending #extensions #engagements
#desoc #legacy_silo_averting #tallship #foss #fediverse #fep #lemmur #spritely #activitypub #activitystreams #extending #extensions #engagements
Ein gut bedienbarer Client ist "Lemmur" für Lemmy. Feddit (freier Reddit Ersatz) ist die deutschsprachige Lemmy Community.
Installation aus F-Droid: https://f-droid.org/de/packages/com.krawieck.lemmur/
oder dem Playstore.
#lemmur #socialmedia #community #feddit #lemmy
Поставил себе на телефон приложение #lemmur и не могу в него войти. После ввода пароля и логина так и крутится авторизация, дальше ничего. Хотя через bromite вхожу без проблем. Инстанс lemmy.ml. Какого?
RT @Le_Alternative
Da qualche giorno abbiamo deciso di sfruttare Lemmy per il nostro canale Le Alternative Fresh. Ma che cos'è Lemmy?
#fediverso #lemmur #lemmy #lobster #protocolliaperti #reddit
#reddit #protocolliaperti #lobster #lemmy #lemmur #fediverso
Cos’è Lemmy?
Da qualche giorno abbiamo deciso di sfruttare Lemmy per il nostro canale Le Alternative Fresh. Ma che cos'è Lemmy?
LINK --> https://www.lealternative.net/2022/04/06/cose-lemmy/
#OltreGoogle #Privacysuisocial #fediverso #lemmur #lemmy #lobster #protocolliaperti #reddit
#OltreGoogle #Privacysuisocial #fediverso #lemmur #lemmy #Lobster #protocolliaperti #reddit
New #lemmur release
Release v0.7.0 · krawieck/lemmur · GitHub
@rysiek @feditips I'm sorry but I think you are mixing Lemmy the software and lemmy.ml the instance.
On lemmy.ml discussions about communism like the three you mention happen. I reject them like you! Also other related to mainstream mindset (capitalism, neocolonialism...) that I see very enriching. Nowadays I don't participate on that concrete instance, but I use the softwares #Lemmy and #Lemmur everyday.
Galdera bat #lemmur-i buruz, #Lemmy erabiltzeko dut aplikazioa mobilean (nahiz eta aspaldian askorik ez esan). Badira egun batzuk ez dabilela. E ditu jarioak kargatzen, ez lerro lokalekoak (.eus) ez eta aplikazioarekin datorren berezko instantziarenak. Zuei ere gertatu zaizue? Ala B plan bat duzue mobilean #Motorhead-eko gizontxoa kontsultatzeko?
Just found out about https://lemmy.ml a federated and FLOSS based alternative for #reddit. With #lemmur there is even an android client in @fdroidorg@mastodon.technology #lemmy