Jen Ang · @jenang
78 followers · 41 posts · Server

10/100 - Lemn Sissay / How Do You Do It?

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#100daysprojectscotland #100daysprojectscotland2023 #poetry #poems #lemnsissay #100poems100days

Last updated 1 year ago

Deb · @deborahwooduk
126 followers · 224 posts · Server

Excited to hear that 's new memoir will be released on 23 August. mentioned it and talked about another of Jenni's books on recently, describing her as "amazing." and are two of my recent favourite reads. I'm such a huge fan of Jenni's writing, I can't wait to read it

#bookstodon #books #jennifagan #ootlin #lemnsissay #thePanopticon #thebigscottishbookclub #luckenbooth #hex

Last updated 2 years ago

Franke James · @frankejames
478 followers · 1030 posts · Server

Excerpt 2: "A report would be written about Red. There would be consequences. He would disappear. We knew. We all knew that this place wasn’t interested in our . The wanted us to shuffle through the days and nights, fulfilling the rotas and jobs with no trouble, and then disappear. I had to pretend that I was okay and hope that my smile would last." (from "My Name Is Why" by )


#iamreading #memoir #books #lemnsissay #institution #trauma

Last updated 2 years ago

Franke James · @frankejames
478 followers · 1030 posts · Server

"Grandma Munro was the queen of the chessboard. She surveyed the world like its aim was to take her out. There wasn’t space for grey areas in Grandma Munro or self-reflection. There was a pathological need to be right about things. There was little time for reflection. There was good and bad, right and wrong, heaven and hell. All of this clarity would belie the murkiness." (from "My Name Is Why" by )


#memoir #books #lemnsissay

Last updated 2 years ago

Salenagodden · @salenagodden
263 followers · 39 posts · Server

Last night ‘The Fire People’ won the Books Are My Bag Readers Award for poetry, love and thanks to the readers who voted for this. So awesome to be part of this trailblazing 1990’s book, this was the first time I saw my work in a real book, a huge moment for so many Black British writers. BIGlove to Lemn and ‘The Fire People’ poets and next generation ‘More Fiya’ poets too! BIGlove!

#lemnsissay #salenagodden #canongate #booktoot #poets #poetrytoot #bambreadersawards #booktwitter #booksaremybag

Last updated 2 years ago