Arp Laszlo • Comics • ADHD · @ArpComics
571 followers · 302 posts · Server

This was a nice memory from 10y ago: When most ask about running a in their driveway, their make it happen.

I, on the other hand, taught them why it was a bad 🤣.

I was generous with how many people walked by our house too, 20 was way more than the usual 2-3 but a 33% conversion rate (what % of people bought) was ridiculously optimistic and unrealistic.

Our expenses (Cost Structure) were for lemons ($5), paper cups ($5), and sugar ($3) for a total of $13.

Our income (Revenue Streams) was $3, from sales of two $1.50 cups of lemonade. I assumed that 10% of passers-by would buy a cup (ie a conversion rate of 10%).

The business would have resulted in a loss of $10 ($13-$3), not counting time & labor.

The purple post-its were for an alternative idea: selling in a high traffic area downtown - which required a permit (whose cost I don't recall). That might have been profitable, depending on the cost of the permit.

This was a fun exercise that I hoped would teach the kids something interesting & useful.

#kids #lemonadestand #parents #businessmodel #parenting #entrepreneur #unschooling #business

Last updated 1 year ago

Tom Rogers · @tomrogers
331 followers · 519 posts · Server
Garth Beagle · @garthbeagle
338 followers · 513 posts · Server

☀️Spring is just around the corner, are you ready to profit? 🍋

#basic #lemonadestand #appleiiforever #appleii

Last updated 2 years ago

Tony Salerno · @asalerno1964
57 followers · 240 posts · Server

A little more about Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation, since it's
They have easy to follow instructions to host a to join the fight against and this is great way for families and kids to get involved

#GivingTuesday #lemonadestand #childhoodcancer #ALSF

Last updated 2 years ago