Erotic Mythology (comms open) · @AimeeMaroux
1240 followers · 1398 posts · Server

It's the here at Erotic Mythology! 🍇

Yesterday was the start of the , a festival dedicated to the god Lênaios that celebrated both his release from Zeus's thigh and his emergence from the Underworld. Its official name was "Dionysia at the Lenaion", a theatre and sanctuary in , where the festival dramas, both tragic and comic, were staged.

@mythology @antiquidons

#DayOfDionysos #lenaia #dionysos #athens #mythology #greekmythology #greekromanart #greekgods #hellenicpolytheism

Last updated 2 years ago

It's the at Erotic Mythology!

According to some, December or January are the months in which was born from Zeus' thigh. Most of his festivals take place in too, like the Rural , , and .
Here, baby Dionysos is held by his foster father .


#DayOfDionysos #dionysos #winter #dionysia #haloa #lenaia #silenos #greekmythology #mythology #AncMed #greekromanart #dionysus

Last updated 2 years ago

Erotic Mythology (comms open) · @AimeeMaroux
1240 followers · 1398 posts · Server

It's the at Erotic Mythology!

According to some, December or January are the months in which was born from Zeus' thigh. Most of his festivals take place in too, like the Rural , , and .
Here, baby Dionysos is held by his foster father .


#DayOfDionysos #dionysos #winter #dionysia #haloa #lenaia #silenos #greekmythology #mythology #AncMed #greekromanart #dionysus

Last updated 2 years ago