The IPCRESS File by Len Deighton. James Bond-alike with less misogyny and gadgets, more MOD machinations and clever plotting.
I would have liked to have given this a deeper reading, but took it as light entertainment and enjoyed it enormously as such.
My full review is at
#bookblog #bookstodon #lendeighton #theipcressfile
Watching Ipcress File with dad, remember reading Len Deighton in my teens. Reached the classic 60s brainwashing scene, something you rarely see in a modern spy film, but laundering of cognitive processes was all the rage back then.
#film #brainwashing #HarryPalmer #books #MichaelCaine #IpcressFile #LenDeighton #SpyFilm #1960s #1960sFilm
#1960sfilm #1960s #spyfilm #lendeighton #ipcressfile #MichaelCaine #books #harrypalmer #brainwashing #film
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