#Sondaggi #Lussemburgo
Sondaggio di TNS Ilres:
"Chi preferiresti come Primo Ministro?"
Xavier #Bettel (#DP|RE): 34% (+4)
Luc #Frieden (#CSV|EPP): 21% (+1)
Paulette #Lenert (#LSAP|S&D): 20% (-3)
Sam #Tanson (#DG|G/EFA): 5% (-1)
Nessuno di questi/Non so: 12% (-9)
Non mi interessa: 9% (+9)
Data rilevazione: 7-16 agosto
+/-: 23 marzo-6 aprile
Intervistati: 1887
#sondaggi #lussemburgo #Bettel #dp #frieden #csv #lenert #lsap #tanson #dg
I'm still hoping for #Sanchez 🇪🇸 to survive the #23J as president of the Spanish government.
But if he goes down under the bean (#Feijóo), there's still some hope for the European #Socialists&Democrats
Paulette #Lenert has a fair chance of dethroning Xavier #Bettel in #Luxembourg 🇱🇺
And all of the sudden, Frans #Timmermans appears as the running favourite to replace #Rutte in the #Netherlands 🇳🇱 leading a coalition between the #Greens and his #Labour party #PvdA
#sanchez #23j #feijoo #socialists #lenert #bettel #luxembourg #Timmermans #rutte #netherlands #greens #labour #pvda
Eng Réi Apdikter gi wéinst Steierbedruch verurteelt. Lo géif ee mengen, dat hätt Konsequenze fir hier „honorabilité“. D‘Gesondheetsministesch Paulette #Lenert hëlt awer keng Decisioun. Dat suergt och an hirem eegene Ministère fir Onverständnis. #luxpol #LSAP https://www.reporter.lu/luxembourg-secteur-des-pharmacies-lethique-des-experts-de-la-sante-fait-debat/
Och de Verbraucherschutzmnistère huet d’Paulette #Lenert net am Grëff. #LSAP #luxpol https://reporter.lu/articles/luxembourg-manque-de-transparence-letat-sanctionne-dans-un-litige-avec-ryanair https://reporter.lu/articles/luxembourg-manque-de-transparence-letat-sanctionne-dans-un-litige-avec-ryanair