We're live! Playing #Lenharrow again! This is session 4. Jump on in and have some fun with us.
#TTRPG #IndieTTRPG #ActualPlays #tabletoprpg #dnd #dungeonsanddragons
You can also see it on my twitch channel!
#dungeonsanddragons #dnd #tabletoprpg #actualplays #indiettrpg #ttrpg #lenharrow
I have a #Lenharrow game in the afternoon tomorrow. It's going to be extra long and I'm looking forward to this next adventure! I'll likely make a post with the link for anyone that might like watching Tabletop RPGs.
#TTRPG #IndieTTRPG #ActualPlays #tabletoprpg #dnd #dungeonsanddragons
#dungeonsanddragons #dnd #tabletoprpg #actualplays #indiettrpg #ttrpg #lenharrow
My friends and I are playing #Lenharrow! It's #TableTopRPG and this is our 3rd session. I'm playing a mini tree person sort of like Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy. Drop by and chat with us while we play the game!
#dnd #dungeonsanddragons #tabletoprpg #lenharrow
Time to have fun with my friends again! We're playing #Lenharrow together! It's a #tabletoprpg similar to #D&D.
Drop by and watch the stream! Starts in 5 minutes!
Tonight at 4pm PST I'm going to participate in a live Lenharrow game. It's a Table Top RPG created by my good friend Christopher ‘Logan’ Hildt.
The game plays similar to the old school D&D second edition built from the ground up to be extremely customizable to the wants and needs of all players and DMs alike.
#tabletopgaming #lenharrow #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #rpg
My friends are playing a #tabletopRPG called #Lenharrow #live!
Love this game system. There are a ton of elements drawn from so many systems. Have a look!
#roleplaying #live #lenharrow #tabletoprpg