Lindsey Graham Is Not Out of the Woods Yet and There’s ‘A Possibility He’d Be Charged Federally’: Legal Expert
#LeningradLindsey #LindseyGrahamResign #LindseyGraham #LindseyGrahamTraitor #RussianAsset #LindseyGrahamGay #ArrestTrumpNow
#ArrestTrumpNow #lindseygrahamgay #russianasset #lindseygrahamtraitor #lindseygraham #lindseygrahamresign #leningradlindsey #womensrights #abortion #AbortionIsHealthcare #politics #LeningradLindsey
#womensrights #abortion #AbortionIsHealthcare #politics #leningradlindsey
Drama queen award goes to Miss Lindsey. #GrifterLindseyGraham #leningradlindsey #MAGAextremistCorruption
#grifterlindseygraham #leningradlindsey #magaextremistcorruption More condoning lawlessness by the law & order, support the police party. "How can President Trump avoid prosecution in New York?" #leningradlindsey Graham tweeted.
"On the way to the DA's office on Tuesday, Trump should smash some windows, rob a few shops and punch a cop. He would be released IMMEDIATELY!" Trump lackey & seditious conspirator Lindsey Graham went on. #GOPMAGAextremists #GOPtraitors #TrumpCrimes #TrumpCrimeCabal
#leningradlindsey #gopmagaextremists #goptraitors #trumpcrimes #trumpcrimecabal #TrumpCrimes #TrumpAccountability #GOPTraitorsToDemocracy Trump lackey syncophant
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) responded to the indictment of Donald #TraitorTrump with a desperate and furious plea for money from Fox News viewers.
In an at-times emotional address, cry baby Graham demanded Sean Hannity’s audience hand over their cash for Trump, who hours earlier was indicted over #LeningradLindsey #TrumpIndictment #TrumpForPrison2024
#trumpcrimes #trumpaccountability #GOPTraitorsToDemocracy #TraitorTrump #leningradlindsey #trumpindictment #trumpforprison2024
Lindsey Graham Addresses ‘Regrets’ Over Possible Perjury Charges in Georgia
#LeningradLindsey #LindseyGrahamResign #LindseyGraham #LindseyGrahamTraitor #RussianAsset #LindseyGrahamGay
#lindseygrahamgay #russianasset #lindseygrahamtraitor #lindseygraham #lindseygrahamresign #leningradlindsey
The Georgia indictment will be shortly after she manages to get #LeningradLindsey to testify, but I am beginning to think that after the Loose Cannon's crap is circumvented that Garland may actually take him into custody for his espionage as any of us regular people would have been over a year ago.
What does dumpy have on you?
“Who do you want to fix an economy broken by a virus—somebody like Biden or somebody like Trump? To me, that is not a hard decision.”
I can’t seem to find out why #MoscowMitch and #LeningradLindsey keep trending.
Please retweet and like to help me find out why.
#leningradlindsey #moscowmitch