I measured 120mm F1 on that projection lens and mounted it on my camera. The plates I shot with it are on eBay ( eBay.mhaustria.com ) and I give one of them away to my patreon supporters ( patreon.mhaustria.com ). That project was lots of fun ( https://youtu.be/dXMn61ZcQjo ) #lensporn #tintype #ambrotype #analogphotography #largeformatphotography #handmade #wetplate #nassplatte #mhaustria #keepfilmalive
#lensporn #tintype #ambrotype #analogphotography #largeformatphotography #handmade #wetplate #nassplatte #mhaustria #keepfilmalive
@Jaywadams @miaq @Flipboard thanks for sharing. I will share soon a geekery one.#lensporn and one where I travel with my big camera for a wedding portrait
Finally managed to take a walk today, almost finished a roll. Surprisingly, Pentax-M 20mm lens is not that much bigger than Pentax-M 40mm pancake lens, gotta love small lenses! 🥰
#BelieveInFilm #Pentaxians #PentaxKMount #CameraPorn #LensPorn #FilmCamera
#believeinfilm #pentaxians #pentaxkmount #cameraporn #lensporn #filmcamera