'Waar #PFAS kan worden toegepast' (5) - Oosterhoutse Waarden #Oosterhout #Lent #Nijmegen @gem_Nijmegen https://t.co/4kJeNPiRfL
#nijmegen #lent #oosterhout #pfas
19:45u Opschaling in Lent (Middel brand)
Locatie: Porrenhofstraat, Lent
Soort brand: woning, zolder
VR: Gelderland-Zuid
#P2000 #lent
April 8, 2023
Holy Saturday with Mother Mary
The Savior of the World died a cruel death upon the Cross. His broken body was laid in the tomb. His disciples scattered and were fearful that they would be next. But our Blessed Mother kept vigil in the perfect hope that her Son would soon rise.
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Happy Holy Saturday and Happy Rex Manning Day!!
Tomorrow, Lent No More, Mon Amore.
#rexmanningday #holysaturday #lent
By His wounds, we are healed❣️
A Blessed Good Friday! 🙏
The Seven Last Words of Jesus Christ from the Cross ✝️
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April 7, 2023
Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion
The Greatest Act of Love Unfolds
John 19:16–18
The Passion of our Lord begins.
John’s Gospel relates to us that after Jesus was dead, a soldier pierced His side with a lance, and blood and water flowed out. This final gift from our Lord has been understood as a
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April 6, 2023
Holy Thursday, Mass of the Lord’s Supper
The One True Sacrifice of the Mass
1 Corinthians 11:23–24
We begin the most sacred Triduum, the greatest Feasts in the life of the Church. Tonight we celebrate the Last Supper with our Lord. The Church then keeps vigil in prayer until midnight.
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April 5, 2023
Wednesday of Holy Week
Rejecting Empty Promises
Matthew 26:14–16
One of the central lessons we can learn from Judas is that the desire for money is a powerful incentive for the decisions we make. So many of the great saints have taught us that the path to holiness consists, first, in a
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April 4, 2023
Tuesday of Holy Week
The Glory of God in All Things
John 13:31–32
Everything in life has the potential to become an instrument of the glory of God. Even our sin can end in God’s glory when we repent and receive God’s forgiveness. It will not be our sin that glorifies God but His mercy
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The week that changed the world continues to change our lives❣️
Let us spare this week for our God. Let us spend time for reflection and prayer. Be thankful for all the blessings He bestowed upon us. 🙏
May we all have a meaningful Holy Week! ✝️
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April 3, 2023
Monday of Holy Week
Expressing Your Love of God
John 12:4–5
One clear lesson this teaches us is that nothing is too good for our Lord. It’s true that we must do our part to help care for the poor, but Jesus’ response to Judas is quite interesting. He says, “Leave her alone. Let her keep
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Gorecki-Symphony # 3-always a go-to piece in Lent.
#lent #holyweek #classicalmusic
My reflection today is on #PalmSunday - https://intertwinedfc.medium.com/a-response-to-empire-bcc5859244c8 #faith #lent #Jesus #empire
#palmsunday #faith #lent #jesus #Empire
In the #Lutheran #liturgy (at least how it is written in #Alsace), we do not sing the Alleluia and the Gloria during #Lent.
And it makes absolutely no sense to me.
#lutheran #liturgy #alsace #lent #lutheranism #protestantism
May the spirit of this holy occasion, the warmth of the season...
make your heart bloom with happiness and peace❣️
Have a blessed Palm Sunday! 🌿✝️🙏
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