Lent 2023 #02 🌘 - https://mailchi.mp/a1df4f953e99/lent-2023-02
As we walk into the gathering danger & doubt surrounding Jesus, upon what should we reflect as we know he made choices that led to the Cross?
#UCCan #ShineOn #Lent2023
“My concern lies not with occasional purchases, but with their contribution to — and thus my participation in — broader systems that do their best to amplify the retail frenzy. This noise artfully distracts us from the systemic injustices that have crept into our lives.”
Read more of Céire Kealty’s fasting this #Lent2023 @ SOJO here👇
Since it hasn’t come up to my knowledge, the title of this little ditty is pretty much where I am on giving up something for #Lent, be it #Lent2023 or any other year.
Side notes:
1) yes, I am this old;
2) this is the last #CCM or whatever it’s called now that I actually purchased or listened to at all. https://youtu.be/Z5XUhWygB3M
I absolutely have to agree that this is indeed madness: “Welcome to the FIRST FULL WEEK of Lent Madness 2023! Today in the Saintly Smackdown it's Scholastica vs. Richard Hooker. Sixth century Italian nun vs. 16th century English theologian. This is precisely the kind of unusual pairing of saintly souls we've come to expect with Lent Madness. Is it fair? No! Is it Madness? Yes!” 💜
#LentMadness #Lent2023 #Episcopal #Saints
#lentmadness #lent2023 #episcopal #saints
Just discovered something new. It may be first-world penance, but have you considered going grayscale on your phone for Lent?
iPhones can access this feature through Settings > Accessibility > Display & Text Size > Color Filters > Change them to on! > Grayscale
And then you keep the grayscale on, no matter what, until Easter: TV shows, Instagram, book apps.
How are you keeping penance this Lent? #lent2023
Let us remember that we are dust, and that to dust we shall return. Wishing one and all a blessed and holy Lent.
#AshWednesday #Lent #Lent2023 #Anglican #Episcopal #ChoralMusic #BCP #Repentance #Absolution #Prayer
#repentance #absolution #prayer #ashwednesday #lent #lent2023 #anglican #episcopal #choralmusic #bcp
Ash Wednesday dinner- Salmon baked in foil, garlic shells & Ceasar salad. #Lent2023
Fellow Lenten fasters, a friendly reminder: Don’t forget to hydrate!
“…return to me with all your heart...” Joel 2:12
#Lent #Lent2023 #AshWednesday
Teach us to care and not to care
Teach us to sit still
Even among these rocks,
Our peace in His will
And even among these rocks
— T.S. Eliot, “Ash Wednesday”
Are you looking for resources as you journey through Lent? We have highlighted some on our website. If you know of others we can add please add the link in the comments.
I suspect you’ll be seeing a lot more of me during Lent.
While my fiancé and I THINK we have secured a new home (🙏🏼), I am still waiting to hear positive news from my dream job (🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼). So a lot of my time since December has been spent watching TV, playing video games, or gossiping— in a phrase, avoiding reality.
For Lent, I’m sacrificing my avoidant behaviors. I’ll be filling in the time with journaling, studying, and taking advantage of the blessings I receive. #Lent2023
I’m thinking it’s time to get started on my reading for Lent.
#lent #lent2023 #lentendiscipline #episcopal #shrovetusday
RT @CA_Library@twitter.com
So many to choose from & only 40 days…which one this year? @JustinWelby@twitter.com @CottrellStephen@twitter.com @paulargooder@twitter.com @PeterGraystone@twitter.com #Lent2023 📚
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CA_Library/status/1618257196864643080