Naturally I paid my respects to Desperate Dan and Minnie the Minx while in #Dundee . I was fortunste enough to be friends with Minnie's dad, Leo, so I had to introduce myself to her.
I miss swapping emails with Leo. He'd be delighted his Amazonian warrior girl lives on.
#comics #BandeDessinee #bandesdessinée #BritishComics #Beano #Dandy #DesperateDan #MinnieTheMinx #LeoBaxendale #statue #sculpture #Scotland #Ecosse #DCThomson
#DCThomson #ecosse #scotland #sculpture #statue #leobaxendale #minnietheminx #desperatedan #dandy #beano #britishcomics #bandesdessinee #bandedessinee #comics #dundee
As a kid I used to repeatedly doodle Leo Baxendale's comic character #GrimlyFeendish on my school exercise books. For my sins, or despite them, I went to a Catholic school 😬 and classes had to take turns organising the weekly mass, as a budding artist I got the job of designing the promotion posters ... Cue Grimly and his bizarre monster chums bidding children to "Go to Mass". 😄 🦇
#MemoryLane #Comics #ComicBookArt #LeoBaxendale
#grimlyfeendish #memorylane #comics #comicbookart #leobaxendale