67 years ago:
Moby Dick (US)
In 1841, young Ishmael signs up for service abroad the Pequod, a whaler sailing out of New Bedford. The ship is under the command of Captain Ahab, a strict disciplinarian who exhorts his men to find Moby Dick, the great white whale. Ahab lost his his leg to that creature and is desperate for revenge...
#MobyDick #JohnHuston #GregoryPeck #RichardBasehart #LeoGenn #Film
#mobydick #johnhuston #gregorypeck #richardbasehart #leogenn #film
57 years ago:
Circus of Fear (DE,GB)
A circus becomes the location for stolen loot and murder.
#CircusofFear #ChristopherLee #LeoGenn #AnthonyNewlands #Horror #ClassicMovies
#circusoffear #christopherlee #leogenn #anthonynewlands #horror #classicmovies
50 years ago:
The Silent One (FR,IT)
Original title: Le silencieux
Who is Anton Haliakov, who has just been abducted by the M.I.5 in London? A Soviet scientist apparently. But sixteen years before the man had another identity, Clément Tibère, and another nationality, French. So what led him to become Russian and to change identity? And why are the British secret se...
#TheSilentOne #LinoVentura #LeoGenn #RobertHardy #MarieJosèpheYoyotte #Movies
#thesilentone #linoventura #leogenn #roberthardy #mariejosepheyoyotte #movies
Watched ‘Green for Danger’ last night with my Mum & Dad. Mid-40s film with Alistair Sim as a police detective investigating murders at a wartime hospital. The set up was good and Leo Genn was excellent as the surgeon who’s both oily & suspicious and sympathetic & intelligent. The ending was a bit of a damp squib though and didn’t seem plausible. Alistair Sim was a delight of course. It may have been his first big film role. #AlistairSim #LeoGenn #OldBritishFilms #WW2
#alistairsim #leogenn #OldBritishFilms #ww2