Hey Tweeps I just followed, I used Debirdify to find you.
For Newbies: My fandoms - #StarWars (#Andor & #StarWarsRebels especially) #MCU, If you see bad wigs on TV use #TVWiggies, #DragRace (all of them), tons of TV shows, Horror, #VocalTrance Also - #AmWriting #Screenwriting, #ADHD #LeoKittySuperstar (my cat) #TVKelBingo, anti-Avatar sequels, DCU pisses me off more than entertains me, gay stuff, #TheSims4, #Pisces #GenX #INFP I have opinions on tons of things. LOL
#infp #genx #pisces #thesims4 #tvkelbingo #leokittysuperstar #adhd #screenwriting #amwriting #vocaltrance #dragrace #tvwiggies #mcu #starwarsrebels #andor #starwars