Speaking of #books, if you’re a #student you can get a free #AynRand #ebook just by writing a few words about why you want to read it: https://aynrand.org/students/free-books/
Choose from four fiction and eight non-fiction works by Rand herself, or #LeonardPeikoff’s magnum opus “ #Objectivism: The #Philosophy of Ayn Rand. ”
All of this is thanks to the generosity of ARI donors. Make your tax-deductible contribution here: https://ari.aynrand.org/donate/
#books #student #aynrand #ebook #leonardpeikoff #objectivism #philosophy
@QasimRashid Moral counter-argument: http://afcm.org/hcinar.html
Video here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiVJP3JFs2nAmQ74XJ68oSwYh70wny3ks
#HealthCare #SocializedMedicine #HealthCareIsNotARight #IndividualRights #morality #LeonardPeikoff
#healthcare #socializedmedicine #healthcareisnotaright #individualrights #morality #leonardpeikoff
@ArenaCops No they didn’t. But they *also* “…fought, on the same grounds, invoking the same principle of #IndividualRights — against #democracy , i.e., the system of unlimited majority rule. They recognized that the cause of #freedom is not advanced by the multiplication of despots, and they did not propose to substitute the tyranny of a mob for that of a handful of autocrats…” ( #LeonardPeikoff , ‘The Ominous Parallels’)
#individualrights #democracy #freedom #leonardpeikoff