James Fagan · @Jamesfagan
167 followers · 104 posts · Server folksocial.org

Lovely gig this Friday in Suffolk for you, with Melrose Quartet and here’s a snippet of some beautiful music by one of our heroes and all the info you need. Please share. Thanks.

#thoringtontheatre #leonrosselson

Last updated 1 year ago

Where Are The Barricades?

Robespierre is wagging his finger
Karl Marx is scratching his head
They ought to be shooting the bankers
But they're giving them money instead
The plebs should be storming the ramparts
And whetting the guillotine's blades
Singing "Capitalism's in crisis"
So where are the barricades?

Why don't they close down the city?
And throw all the gamblers in jail?
But they're still making money make money
As they slice up the future for sale
And some numbskull's still hugging his bonus
The ol' grafter's made off with the loot
And the slick city traders, the corporate raiders
Freebooters and fraudsters, hedge-fund speculators
The stock-market scammers, the brain-dead regulators
Why aren't they all getting the boot?


#leonrosselson #Music #politicamusic

Last updated 1 year ago

Karl Sinfield · @karlsinfield
76 followers · 79 posts · Server folksocial.org

Absolutely beautiful folk history, thank you for sharing @kitbailey@twitter.com ❤

RT @kitbailey@twitter.com

Mum’s house. Posters in the cellar ❤️

🐦🔗: twitter.com/kitbailey/status/1

#roybailey #frankiearmstrong #leonrosselson #ralphmctell #bonniedobson

Last updated 2 years ago

Where Are The Barricades?

Robspiere is wagging his finger
Karl Marx is scratching his head
They ought to be shooting the bankers
But they're giving them money instead

The plebs should be storming the ramparts
and whetting the guillotine's blade
Singing Capitalism's in crisis
So where are the barricades?


#leonrosselson #Music #politicalmusic

Last updated 2 years ago

Mark Strong · @MarkStrongQP
9 followers · 29 posts · Server mastodon.green

If anyone wants to know my political philosophy, just listen to "News from Nowhere" by & open.spotify.com/track/0AmtHpm

#leonrosselson #roybailey

Last updated 2 years ago