Meanwhile over on Skum's bird app:
"We may suspend or terminate your account or cease providing you with all or part of the Services at any time for any OR NO REASON"
Roger that. I have accts all over the Social landscape.
I understand the arguments. #LeonSkum is a destructive fascist.
That said... we all have our needs/reasons,.. Thx.
#LeonSkum is such an asshole. Born of wealth, class, and legalized racial privilege under Aparthied.
Big fan of clever, nasty, sarcastic, acerbic, often childish & mean hashtags.
#paypalpatine #margerinetrailergreene #mangomanboobs #leonskum
@leffe Nope. Too busy (so he says) unblocking EVERYONE! I guess he had an epiphany of some kind.
Elon Musk fires a top Twitter engineer over his declining view count
I did Nazi that coming.
#Twitter #SpaceKaren #snukmole #ElonMusk #leonskum
That can’t be Reich. I did Nazi that coming.
#Tankie #TreasonTroll #ElonMusk #LeonSkum #SnukMole #SpaceKaren #Jan6Traitor #Jan6
#Jan6 #jan6traitor #SpaceKaren #snukmole #leonskum #ElonMusk #treasontroll #tankie
Reports: Twitter to close Seattle office and faces eviction – GeekWire
Is it even going to exist in 2023? How did this fuck get to be the richest person in the world (at one time)?
#SpaceKaren #leonskum #pedoguy #ElonMusk
Of course he did.
It Took Just Four Days From Elon Gleefully Admitting He’d Unplugged A Server Rack For Twitter To Have A Major Outage
He’s an attention whore. He’ll keep letting Nazis on the platform and aiding Putin. I made the right decision to leave it.
#ElonMusk #tankie #SpaceKaren #leonskum #snukmole #Twitter
#ApartheidClyde #SpaceKaren #Snukmole #LeonSkum. What other hashtags are there for #ElonMusk?
#ElonMusk #leonskum #snukmole #SpaceKaren #apartheidclyde
Remember when he wasn’t a fascist tankie, just an undertaxed billionaire. Pepperidge Farms remembers.
#fascist #tankie #ElonMusk #SpaceKaren #leonskum
He knows a thing or two about pedos.
#snukmole #leonskum #spacekaren #elonmusk #elonjet #publicdata
#publicdata #elonjet #ElonMusk #SpaceKaren #leonskum #snukmole
Musk shadow bans the Twitter account tracking his jet
Account is still active. He ought to consider getting a mastodon account.
#leonskum #SpaceKaren #snukmole #ElonMusk #elonjet
Nice long unrolled #Twitter thread on the #grifter that Elon Musk is. Sharing this version in case it gets nuked.
Someone has to say it: Elon Musk has lied for 27 years about his credentials. He does not have a BS in Physics, or any technical field. Did not get into a PhD program. Dropped out in 1995 & was illegal. Later, investors quietly arranged a diploma - but not in science. 🧵1/
#ElonMusk #SpaceKaren #leonskum #snukemole #grifter #Twitter
Elon Musk Continues Along The Content Moderation Learning Curve, But Doesn’t Seem To Be Learning A Damn Thing
#techdirt #TwitterModeration #Twitter #LeonSkum #ElonMusk #SpaceKaren #WillfulIgnorance
#willfulignorance #SpaceKaren #ElonMusk #leonskum #Twitter #twittermoderation #TechDirt
Of course he did.
Phony free-speech advocate Elon Musk bans prominent left-wing Twitter accounts
#SpaceKaren #LeonSkum #ElonMusk #FreeSpeechMyAss #FascistPrick
#fascistprick #freespeechmyass #ElonMusk #leonskum #SpaceKaren
@samlitzinger of course it did. #COVID #Pandemic #SpaceKaren #Misinformation #ElonMusk #LeonSkum #SpaceNazis #Twitter
#Twitter #spacenazis #leonskum #ElonMusk #misinformation #SpaceKaren #Pandemic #COVID
#ElonMusk has gone full #Tankie #SpaceX needs to be nationalized. #Vindman is a hero.
#leonskum #SpaceKaren #nationalizespacex #votevets #vindman #SpaceX #tankie #ElonMusk