RT @domenpresern
Now, on #Leopardsgiving, as #Panzerwende has arrived, it is time to start studying up again! Dear friend of the @MriyaReport has put together some threads detailing the details of the many versions of Leopards - see below @Charlesrei1 @GJStathakis @eDrotning @DaftWhiskyPilot: https://twitter.com/antti_ruokonen/status/1584133703181094913
RT @domenpresern@twitter.com
Now, on #Leopardsgiving, as #Panzerwende has arrived, it is time to start studying up again! Dear friend of the @MriyaReport@twitter.com has put together some threads detailing the details of the many versions of Leopards - see below @Charlesrei1@twitter.com @GJStathakis@twitter.com @eDrotning@twitter.com @DaftWhiskyPilot@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/antti_ruokonen/status/1584133703181094913
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/domenpresern/status/1613220913935441922
Now, on #Leopardsgiving, as #Panzerwende has arrived, it is time to start studying up again! Dear friend of the @MriyaReport@twitter.com has put together some threads detailing the details of the many versions of Leopards - see below @Charlesrei1@twitter.com @GJStathakis@twitter.com @eDrotning@twitter.com @DaftWhiskyPilot@twitter.com: