RB Leipzig startet mit neuem Kader in die Vorbereitung - Carvalho, Sesko und Zingerle sind dabei! #Fußball #Bundesliga #Sachsen #RB Leipzig #Leipzig #RB Leipzig #Vorbereitung #Neuzugänge #Fabio Carvalho #Benjamin Sesko #Leopold Zingerle https://www.diesachsen.de/sport/rb-leipzig-startet-mit-neuem-kader-in-die-vorbereitung-carvalho-sesko-und-zingerle-sind-dabei-2895452?utm_source=mastodon
#fußball #bundesliga #Sachsen #rb #leipzig #vorbereitung #neuzugange #fabio #benjamin #leopold
As brutal as #Putin has been in #ukraine it is also worth watching the actions of #russia in #Africa, using #Wagner as their surrogate. Sometimes it seems Putin is trying to channel the brutality of both #Stalin and #Leopold II of Belgium.
#putin #ukraine #russia #africa #wagner #stalin #leopold
NYTimes: DNA From Beethoven’s Hair Unlocks Medical and Family Secrets
#Beethoven #Ludwig #Leopold!!!
#Blog #Leopold II en #Waterpomp https://ximaar.wordpress.com/2023/01/30/jan-30-waterpomp-en-leopold-ii/
@classicalmusic @womencomposers
#MarionBauer 1882 – 1955
Sun Splendor Opus 19c (1936)
#Leopold Stokowski (1947)
#musik #music #musique #musica #classicalmusic #womwncomposers #Bauer
#bauer #womwncomposers #classicalmusic #musica #musique #music #musik #leopold #newyorkphilharmonicorchestra #marionbauer
J. H. Leopold, "Kerstliedje"
#kerstliedje, #kerst, #kerstmis, #leopold.
Het gedicht is ook te vinden in de #dbnl: https://www.dbnl.org/tekst/leop004verz04_01/leop004verz04_01_0001.php?q=KErstliedje#hl1
#dbnl #leopold #Kerstmis #kerst #kerstliedje
Экоактивисты замазали черной краской картину Густава Климта "Смерть и жизнь", выставленную в венском музее Леопольда
#Activistas ecológicos manchan de pintura negra la obra "Muerte y Vida" de #GustavKlimt expuesta en el museo #Leopold de #Viena
#activistas #GustavKlimt #leopold #viena
RT @ant_mis1@twitter.com
Leading environmentalist Aldo #Leopold submitting a research project on #conservation in 1938. In the 'deliverables' section it reads: "Publications: There would be none until after several years' work." Another time. #historyofthoughtinthemaking
#historyofthoughtinthemaking #conservation #leopold
Prochaine fois que je rends un projet scientifique, j'écris ça !!
RT @ant_mis1@twitter.com
Leading environmentalist Aldo #Leopold submitting a research project on #conservation in 1938. In the 'deliverables' section it reads: "Publications: There would be none until after several years' work." Another time. #historyofthoughtinthemaking
#historyofthoughtinthemaking #conservation #leopold