🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ThroughTheNight
Leopold Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart & Vera Kooper:
🎵 Menuetto from 'Nannerls Notenbuch'
#nowplaying #ThroughTheNight #leopoldmozart #wolfgangamadeusmozart #verakooper
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #InTune
Leopold Mozart, Hermann Baumann, Radovan Vlatković, Timothy Brown, Nicholas Hill & Iona Brown:
🎵 Sinfonia da caccia in G major
#LeopoldMozart #HermannBaumann #RadovanVlatković #TimothyBrown #NicholasHill #IonaBrown
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#nowplaying #intune #leopoldmozart #hermannbaumann #radovanvlatkovic #TimothyBrown #nicholashill #IonaBrown
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #SundayMorning
Leopold Mozart, London Mozart Players & Matthias Bamert:
🎵 Symphony in D major, D 25
#nowplaying #sundaymorning #leopoldmozart #LondonMozartPlayers #MatthiasBamert
Got to hear #LeopoldMozart’s Alphorn sonata on #Alphorn. You never can predict what students will do! #SeniorRecital for the win!
#leopoldmozart #alphorn #seniorrecital
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #WordsAndMusic
Leopold Mozart, Toronto Chamber Orchestra & Kevin Mallon:
🎵 Toy Symphony (2nd mvt: Menuetto)
#LeopoldMozart #TorontoChamberOrchestra #KevinMallon
#nowplaying #WordsAndMusic #leopoldmozart #torontochamberorchestra #kevinmallon #BBC3MusicBot
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #AfternoonConcert
Leopold Mozart, Philip Lane, BBC Concert Orchestra & Barry Wordsworth:
🎵 The Sleigh Ride
#LeopoldMozart #PhilipLane #BBCConcertOrchestra #BarryWordsworth
#nowplaying #AfternoonConcert #leopoldmozart #PhilipLane #bbcConcertorchestra #BarryWordsworth #BBC3MusicBot
My pleasure!
Some people sort this into galante, but yes its from a transitional period. #CPEBach and #LeopoldMozart belonged to the same generation
A wonderful piece of music. . thank you for sharing!
Yes, #LeopoldMozart might have been one of very few writing for alto back then. There are some compositions by #Wagenseil and #MichaelHaydn but that seems to be it
#michaelhaydn #wagenseil #leopoldmozart
We should all be thankful to Leopold for guiding and promoting Wolfgang Amadeus but never forget that Leopold was no mean composer himself.
#LeopoldMozart (1719-1787) - Sinfonia D-Dur (c.1760)
Münchener Kammerorchester/Hans StadImair
#tango #musica #musique #music #musik #leopoldmozart