Primo esperimento al Mondo di un ordigno nucleare. "Morte, distruttore di mondi". Il Trinity Test e la prima bomba atomica. Gadget, la prima bomba atomica della storia, segna la svolta della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Una creazione della quale lo stesso padre, Robert Oppenheimer, era spaventato.
Il 16 luglio 1945 esplose la prima bomba atomica.
#armanucleare #bombaatomica #enricofermi #Gadget #JuliusRobertOppenheimer #LeoSzilard #LosAlamos #progettomanhattan #trinitytest
#armanucleare #BombaAtomica #EnricoFermi #gadget #juliusrobertoppenheimer #leoszilard #losalamos #ProgettoManhattan #trinitytest
Protocole Quap de Wells
est le 4e texte publié par Caroline Hoctan sur D-FICTION |
Herbert Georges Wells est l'inventeur de l'expression " bombe atomique" ; son roman " La destruction libératrice" a inspiré le physicien hongrois Leo Szilárd, qui permettra au scientifique de mettre au point la réaction en chaîne nucléaire. |
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#ProjetK #LeoSzilard #TheWorldSetFree #Tono-Bungay #Wells
#projetk #leoszilard #theworldsetfree #tono #wells
In order to succeed it's not necessary to be cleverer than other people. All you have to do is be one day ahead of them
If one knows only what one is told, one does not know enough to be able to arrive at a well-balanced decision
If one knows only what one is told, one does not know enough to be able to arrive at a well-balanced decision
In order to succeed it's not necessary to be cleverer than other people. All you have to do is be one day ahead of them