#Latvia ssa on nyt #EU:n ensimmäinen avoimesti homoseksuaali presidentti. Paino tässä sanalla presidentti, sillä valtionpäitä on ollut aiemminkin. Ainakin Irlannin pääministeri #LeoVaradkar sekä San Marinon kapteenivaltionhoitaja #PaoloRondelli.
Vähän ironisia nämä sinänsä, että Latviassa homoavioliitot ovat laittomia, Irlannissa vahva jalansija katolilaisuudella, ja #SanMarino on konservatiivinen ja katolilainen.
Että miten juuri näissä?
#latvia #eu #leovaradkar #paolorondelli #sanmarino #yhdenvertaisuus
Leo Varadkar: "Fine Gael were airbrushed out of the Repeal the Eighth campaign."
Also #LeoVaradkar: "A bill to remove restrictions on abortion? Yeah, I'm gonna abstain on that."
Biden heads to Northern Ireland at delicate political juncture https://www.euractiv.com/section/uk-europe/news/biden-heads-to-northern-ireland-at-delicate-political-juncture/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #DUP #GoodFridayAgreement #Ireland #JoeBiden #LeoVaradkar
#dup #goodfridayagreement #ireland #joebiden #leovaradkar
Biden heads to Northern Ireland at delicate political juncture https://www.euractiv.com/section/uk-europe/news/biden-heads-to-northern-ireland-at-delicate-political-juncture/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #DUP #GoodFridayAgreement #Ireland #JoeBiden #LeoVaradkar
#dup #goodfridayagreement #ireland #joebiden #leovaradkar
Biden heads to Northern Ireland at delicate political juncture https://www.euractiv.com/section/uk-europe/news/biden-heads-to-northern-ireland-at-delicate-political-juncture/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #DUP #GoodFridayAgreement #Ireland #JoeBiden #LeoVaradkar
#dup #goodfridayagreement #ireland #joebiden #leovaradkar
It's a good look from #LeoVaradkar calling #PeterMcVerry a liar.
Of the two of them, it's pretty clear who I'd trust, and it's not Leo, the man who's fuelled the current homeless situation in #Ireland, but Peter, the man who's worked tirelessly to reduce it.
#irishpolitics #EvictionBan #finegael #leotheleak
#leovaradkar #petermcverry #ireland #irishpolitics #evictionban #finegael #leotheleak
Well done, Leo. We are indeed individuals, not some sort of woke cyborg army seeking to rule the world.
That said, like most #trans people, I'm wary of 'debate', unless it's made clear this is not a debate about our right to exist.
#trans #ireland #leovaradkar #irishpolitics #gender #lgbtq
"Let Them Sleep In Tents" https://waterfordwhispersnews.com/2023/03/23/let-them-sleep-in-tents/ #satire #LeoVaradkar #KeepTheBan #KeepTheEvictionBan #HousingCrisis#Ireland
#satire #leovaradkar #keeptheban #keeptheevictionban #housingcrisis
🇺🇸🇮🇪🇪🇺 Biden reçoit le premier ministre irlandais pour la Saint-Patrick 📰 http://urlr.me/q6GP5
#RevuedePresse #USA #JoeBiden #Irlande #LeoVaradkar #SaintPatricksDay #SaintPatrick
#revuedepresse #usa #joebiden #irlande #leovaradkar #saintpatricksday #saintpatrick
Vice President Kamala Harris hosts Irish PM Leo Varadkar for St Patrick's Day breakfast
#MVP #VPHarris #VP #KamalaHarris #stpatricksday #breakfast
#leovaradkar #khive
#mvp #vpharris #vp #kamalaharris #stpatricksday #breakfast #leovaradkar #khive
An #EvictionBan song #TheHouseThatBuiltMe from #MirandaLambert played today for #DaraghOBrien #MichealMartin #LeoVaradkar #EamonRyan #Ireland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQYNM6SjD_o
#evictionban #thehousethatbuiltme #mirandalambert #daraghobrien #michealmartin #leovaradkar #EamonRyan #ireland
An #EvictionBan song #TheHouseThatBuiltMe #MirandaLambert played today for #DaraghOBrien #MichealMartin #LeoVaradkar #EamonRyan #https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQYNM6SjD_o
#evictionban #thehousethatbuiltme #mirandalambert #daraghobrien #michealmartin #leovaradkar #EamonRyan #https
We join dozens of #LGBTQ+ and #HumanRights groups writing to #LeoVaradkar to demand action against #BigTech.
Only #Ireland has the power to make sure #EU's #DataProtection law is working as it’s meant to.
#ReformDPC #PeopleVsBigTech #DefendDemocracy
#lgbtq #HumanRights #leovaradkar #bigtech #ireland #eu #Dataprotection #reformdpc #peoplevsbigtech #DefendDemocracy
RT @BCathrach@twitter.com
Hey big spender! #Leovaradkar ag ullmhú d’olltoghchán luath le buiséad le ‘caiteachais mhóir’
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BCathrach/status/1617489259992342534
"Aiféala" ar LeoVaradkar maidir le cur i bhfeidhm Phrotacál Thuaisceart Éirinn gan tacaíocht ó Aontachtaithe. Lámh an chairdis?
Beidh mé á phlé seo ar NuachtTG4 tráthnóna inniu @7pm.
#gaeilge @Gaeilge #Mastodaoine #LeoVaradkar #Protacál #polaitíocht #TuaisceartÉireann @TG4TV @Nuacht
#gaeilge #mastodaoine #leovaradkar #protacal #polaitiocht #tuaiscearteireann
XploreMedia.co.uk Leo Varadkar admits regrets over Northern Ireland protocol https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/jan/20/leo-varadkar-admits-regrets-over-northern-ireland-protocol-brexit?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #NorthernIreland #Ireland #LeoVaradkar #Brexit #EuropeanUnion
#NorthernIreland #Ireland #leovaradkar #brexit #EuropeanUnion
I'm intrigued to know how Tweedledum has calculated it to be politic to compromise on the #NIprotocol right now.
#brexit #leovaradkar #NIprotocol
How, in Ireland today, the 6th richest country in the world (by GDP per capita), are there still people queuing in #Hospital corridors, an advisory notice NOT to attend hospitals AND chronic homelessness, dysfunctionally overcrowded #AsylumCentres still in existence? ESP when #PM #Taoiseach #LEOVARADKAR is a #MedicalDoctor? https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/richest-countries-in-the-world
#hospital #asylumcentres #pm #Taoiseach #leovaradkar #medicaldoctor
RT @joebreathnach@twitter.com
‘Turning the screw on Sinn Féin’: Tá ‘tuiscint rúnda’ ag Leo le Teachtaí Dála Neamhspleácha https://extrag.ie/2022/12/31/nuacht/tuiscint-runda-leo-le-tdeanna/ #sinnfeinireland #leovaradkar #finegael
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/joebreathnach/status/1609182628820750336
#sinnfeinireland #leovaradkar #finegael
‘Turning the screw on Sinn Féin’: Tá ‘tuiscint rúnda’ ag Leo le Teachtaí Dála Neamhspleácha https://extrag.ie/2022/12/31/nuacht/tuiscint-runda-leo-le-tdeanna/ #sinnfeinireland #leovaradkar #finegael
#sinnfeinireland #leovaradkar #finegael