P'nawn da! Excited to announce my latest blog (Term Anniversaries) has become publicly available on the LGBTQ Hanes Cymru site! https://lgbtqcymru.swansea.ac.uk/2023/04/04/term-anniversaries-vital-landmarks-for-welsh-lgbtqia-history/
#LHDTC #Cymru #Cymraeg #Cwiar #deuryw #lesbiad #hoyw #trawsryweddol #anrhywiol #cyfunrhywiol
#cyfunrhywiol #anrhywiol #trawsryweddol #hoyw #lesbiad #deuryw #cwiar #cymraeg #cymru #LHDTC
Plan to make a more informative post (perhaps a blog?) about this soon.
Did you know that 2023 marks 50 years since lesbian and bi entered the Welsh language?
I hope 'term anniversaries' can help raise awareness of Welsh LGBTQ+ term history!
We have here a sort of archaeological record of Welsh LGBT+ terms throughout the last Century. As far as current knowledge goes, lesbian terminology history in Welsh dates back to 1973 at least. That's 50 years ago this year!
I hope you enjoyed this first instalment of Welsh LGBT words of the day history! Share this or save if you liked it and be sure to follow for the rest in the series.
#Lesbiaidd #Lesbiad
#Lesbiaid #lesbian #LHDTC
#lgbthistorymonth #LHDTC #lesbian #lesbiaid #lesbiad #lesbiaidd