The Abomination of Loving a Woman
They say it's an abomination against the heavens the love I hold for you,
And I couldn't disagree more, for any love that brings to life the desire to create and defend should be celebrated,
But even as I scream this at the top of my lungs they lash me to a pole, for their daughter could never love a woman like me,
I am nothing more than a witch they scream, a servant of the devil himself, for no god would allow a love like this to flower deep in our hearts in a festering wasteland such as this,
I see the tears pour down your cheeks as they shield you from the words I scream so loudly I taste blood as the fire they lit dances a damning dance around me,
If this love is nothing but sin then I must be a devil sent to walk this world for nothing has brought me more joy than the time I've had with you,
There has not been a moment happier I've experienced than our moonlight walks lakeside,
I scream curses as the fire rises higher leaping like a hungry hellcat at me,
And how it pains me to see that pretty face of yours twisted in pain and grief as they force you to watch your lover burn
Hear this read by the author here
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#lesbian #poetry #love #sapphic #lesbianpoetry #queerauthor #poems #lgbtrights #lesbianlove #antihomophobia #homophobia #loveislove
#lesbian #poetry #love #sapphic #lesbianpoetry #queerauthor #poems #lgbtrights #lesbianlove #antihomophobia #homophobia #loveislove
be my blanket tonight
I need your soft weight
lowered onto me
covering me
warming me
be my wine tonight.
I want to become lost
in the intoxication
your touch brings
your kiss carries
be my peace tonight
softly as the morning mist
rises off a spring lake
tranquilize me
soothe me
be my song tonight
let whispers, moans, and laughter
carve the candlelit night
be my lover tonight
oh, be my lover
From the collection "Love You Like A Woman"
#SapphicPoems #LesbianPoetry