RT @tmccormick
@Bodegacats_ @stephanieebeauu "Là, tout n'est qu'ordre et beauté,
Luxe, calme et volupté."
["There, all is order and beauty,
Luxury, peace, and pleasure."]
from "L'Invitation au voyage" in Les Fleurs du mal (The Flowers of Evil) #LesFleursDuMal by Charles #Baudelaire, 1857/1861. https://archive.org/details/flowersofevilsf00baud/page/35/mode/1up?view=theater https://twitter.com/bodegacats_/status/1610249573326266368
OUT NOW: “Les Fleurs du Mal” - a compilation of tracks by artist-formerly-known-as #kLIMEK
with artwork by #EmilyHochman
#apocalypticambient including smash-hits: “Let The Snakes Crinkle Their Heads To Death” + “All the Chinese want to have a nice life like us” + “True Enemies & False Friends” +++ many many more … support!
BON VOYAGE in 2023 !
#popambient #ghettoambient #lesfleursdumal #apocalypse #ambientmusic
#klimek #emilyhochman #apocalypticambient #popambient #ghettoambient #lesfleursdumal #apocalypse #ambientmusic
Where may I buy the Aku no Hana movie? I will #askmastodon ...
#OshimiShūzō #押見修造 #askmastodon #惡の華 #akunohana #lesfleursdumal #theflowersofevil