Marlene Dietrich and cinematographer Karl Freund in Les Murray’s “Fredy Neptune” (1999). #111Words #LesMurray #FredyNeptune #MarleneDietrich #KarlFreund #VerseNovel #Poetry #Film #Cinema
#cinema #film #poetry #versenovel #karlfreund #marlenedietrich #fredyneptune #lesmurray #111words
C. J. Dennis's "The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke", Raymond Longford's "The Sentimental Bloke", and Les Murray's "Fredy Neptune". #111Words #LesMurray #FredyNeptune #CJDennis #TheSongsOfASentimentalBloke #RaymondLongford #TheSentimentalBloke #VerseNovels #Poetry
#poetry #versenovels #thesentimentalbloke #raymondlongford #thesongsofasentimentalbloke #cjdennis #fredyneptune #lesmurray #111words
to prove their point, to save their world, they would kill me. / I had shared with them what I owned most: a story / they could never tell, any more than I could tell it, / one they couldn't report, nor forget, nor stop wanting to tell it. (Les Murray, "Fredy Neptune") #Poetry #VerseNovels #LesMurray #FredyNeptune
#fredyneptune #lesmurray #versenovels #poetry
But there’s too much in life: you can’t describe it. (Les Murray, “Fredy Neptune”) #poetry #VerseNovel #LesMurray
#lesmurray #versenovel #poetry
"It seems the Bolsheviks are starving all his people to death": The Ukrainian famine in Les Murray's "Fredy Neptune" (1999). #111Words #FredyNeptune #LesMurray #Ukraine #Famine #Poetry #VerseNovel
#versenovel #poetry #famine #Ukraine #lesmurray #fredyneptune #111words
"All the people in Newcastle, all on the train wore these face-masks": The Spanish flu pandemic in Les Murray's "Fredy Neptune" (1999). #111Words #LesMurray #FredyNeptune #Poetry #VerseNovel #SpanishFlu #FaceMasks #Australia #WorldWarOne
#worldwarone #Australia #facemasks #SpanishFlu #versenovel #poetry #fredyneptune #lesmurray #111words