Precisely. They were completely unable to even comprehend why events were happening, and were seeking to around such events to suit their agenda— still.

That was to double-down on the of the and even more.

That was when we made the conscious desicion to step away from their , and contrived and doctrine. No more explaining-away with falsities.

If only others did the same en masse, yes.

#reframethedebate #agenda #denegation #poor #lessFortunate #propaganda #narratives

Last updated 2 years ago

It's good to see that some in have been able to identify as a . Designed to enrich the , and the , while regular honest , , and the are left behind.

Good to see people hashtagging and but what did you make of those hashtags?

Did you actually ?

This is why we need and more using Tor and I2P.

#australia #jobkeeper #scam #powerElite #extremelyWealthy #Australians #casualWorkers #unemployed #lessFortunate #NoWorkersLeftBehind #wagesubsidyforall #organise #alternativemedia #getNEOed #inequality

Last updated 4 years ago