@evan Serious answer:
In general, one ought to choose the lesser evil, but it may occur that all choices are so gravely wrong that they are disqualified; it would be unethical to choose any one of them.
For instance, if I have 3 candidates, one promising to seize the Alaskan panhandle; another to annex the Danish half of Hans Island; and the third to conquer the Turks and Caicos — then I ought to spoil my ballot.
This is ultimately a question of the limits of #utilitarian ethics.
@MrCooper You could not answer my question. Funny. I'll boil down the questions even more for you.
1.Where do you go to convert all the Republicans you claim to be targeting? Here, you are far right of center, and trying to pull people right.
2. Why should anyone to the left of Reagan support #DeSantis fan #CornelWest?
3. Name one choice you intentionally made today that was NOT the #LesserEvil. Did you step on something sharp just because you could?
#lesserevil #cornelwest #desantis
@AntiracistHippie My hippie friend:
When you make personal choices, do you choose the #LesserEvil for yourself, or the greater evil?
Then we can extrapolate: do you want the lesser evil for Americans who are less privileged than you, or the greater evil?
And if you believe #CornelWest loving "all" people requires pushing #RonDeSantis' education on Floridians, how dare you say you are left of #Reagan?
#reagan #rondesantis #cornelwest #lesserevil
@Bellison22 @DemocracyMattersALot
True, but...
#Manchin is a Democrat in the following ways:
0: There's a D by his name on the ballot.
1: He supports Schumer.
2: He supports Biden.
3: He's a #LesserEvil than whoever would replace him.
West Virginia is so awful, Manchin is the best person they're capable of electing.
I may say #ForkYou to #SteamDeck but it will always be the #LesserEvil.
We don't want the #NintendoSwitch, nor the ally but the ally is also a lesser evil than the switch(install your own os and don't get sued for it) you know the saying: "your enemy's enemy is your friend"?
Our grand enemy the nintendo switch's enemy is #ROGAlly so ROGAlly please show that Nintendo #handheld #WhatsWhat
#whatswhat #handheld #rogally #NintendoSwitch #lesserevil #SteamDeck #forkyou
I may say #ForkYou to #SteamDeck but it will always be the #LesserEvil.
We don't want the #NintendoSwitch but you know the saying: "your enemy's enemy is your friend" saying?
Our grand enemy the nintendo switch's enemy is #ROGAlly so ROGAlly please show that Nintendo #handheld #WhatsWhat
#whatswhat #handheld #rogally #NintendoSwitch #lesserevil #SteamDeck #forkyou
I may say #ForkYou to #SteamDeck but it will always be the #LesserEvil.
We don't want the #NintendoSwitch but you know your enemy's enemy is your friend saying?
Our grand enemy the nintendo switch's enemy is #ROGAlly so ROGAlly please show that Nintendo #handheld #WhatsWhat
#whatswhat #handheld #rogally #NintendoSwitch #lesserevil #SteamDeck #forkyou
#DRM #DigitalRestrictionsManagement breaks the world and thus breaks us.
All people wanna do the right thing but in a world where companies greed has poisoned everything, it's not possible to both be legit and keep your rights, unfortunately you gotta choose.
Choosing the #LesserEvil is probably the only sane way to go about living one's life.
If there's no good in the world at least choose the least evil.
#lesserevil #digitalrestrictionsmanagement #DRM
Only the EXTREMELY privileged whine about the #LesserEvil not being worth their #vote
A quotation from Thomas a Kempis:
You should always choose the lesser of two evils.
[De duobus malis semper minus tamen est eligendum.]
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #alternatives #choice #consequence #lesserevil #lesseroftwoevils #riskassessment #suffering
#quote #quotes #quotation #Alternatives #choice #consequence #lesserevil #lesseroftwoevils #riskassessment #suffering
Less is more. Maybe.
Less is lots. Actually.
Less, I think, in perspective,
Is still too much. Probably.
Kevin McCarthy,,,,,Speaker of the Republican Conspirationist Fringe.....🙄
#McCarthy #Speaker #Bootlicker #Sub-Standard #LesserEvil #Pathetic
#mccarthy #speaker #bootlicker #sub #lesserevil #pathetic
This 👇🏼 is brilliant.
Question: Would it be better if #Bigtobacco completely stopped making any combustion cigarettes, but kept making #ecigarettes? Would this #LesserEvil be better for global #LungHealth?
Asking for our respiratory community
@COPDdoc@twitter.com @meilan_han@twitter.com @sejordt@twitter.com
#BigTobacco #ecigarettes #lesserevil #lunghealth