Never been anywhere with such a dense #LesserGoldfinch population. All day in the treetops sweee, tsee, suuweee, seee, tseweeee. Then a chwee dropped in the middle and I am like wait, was that a #HuttonsVireo ? Normally I can pick out a Huttons but in the middle of this goulash of LEGO variants it makes me feel a bit befuddled. #Birding #Oregon
#lessergoldfinch #huttonsvireo #birding #oregon
Lesser Goldfinch eating pollen from Pride of Madeira flowers (with hummingbird cameo).
#SFBABirds #Birds #EastBayBirds #BerkeleyBirds #LesserGoldfinch #Hummingbird #Birding
#sfbabirds #birds #eastbaybirds #berkeleybirds #lessergoldfinch #hummingbird #birding
The popular nesting pair of bald eagles are not the only birds that inhabit Alameda's Corica Park. Rick Lewis highlights five other gorgeous species you might spot in the area of the golf course on Bay Farm Island.
#Merlin #Alameda #BayFarm #BaldEagles #CoricaPark #GreenHeron #HoodedMerganser #LesserGoldfinch #RedShoulderedHawk #GoldenGateAudubonSociety #FriendsOfTheAlamedaWildlifeReserve
#merlin #alameda #bayfarm #baldeagles #coricapark #greenheron #hoodedmerganser #lessergoldfinch #redshoulderedhawk #goldengateaudubonsociety #friendsofthealamedawildlifereserve
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I used to live a mere 50 miles north of Portland and we never had Lesser Goldfinch. As the climate has warmed they have moved more northerly, but in the first few years I lived in Portland they were a novelty and their lilting song always seemed to mock me as I attempted to photograph them unsuccessfully.
Lesser Goldfinch, Portland, OR
April 9, 2016
#birding #LesserGoldfinch #pdx #Portland #UrbanWildlife #BirdsOnAWire #BlueMonday
#BlueMonday #birdsonawire #urbanwildlife #portland #pdx #lessergoldfinch #birding
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Lesser Goldfinch, Portland, OR
April 9, 2016
#birding #LesserGoldfinch #pdx #Portland #UrbanWildlife #BirdsOnAWire #BlueMonday
#BlueMonday #birdsonawire #urbanwildlife #portland #pdx #lessergoldfinch #birding
#birds seen on the grounds of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford. #californiascrubjay #commonstarling #lessergoldfinch #photography #birdphotography
#birdphotography #photography #lessergoldfinch #commonstarling #californiascrubjay #birds