NevadaWolf · @NevadaWolf
158 followers · 67 posts · Server

Visited the Carson City WWTP Wetlands, between the freeway and the sewage plant (I know, lovely location) where a lot of different birds settle in to enjoy the many reeds and ponds in the area. Tried using eBird again and, while I like having the record, it's just a pain to try to keep count (and putting X on everything seems less than ideal). I like that iNaturalist pulls the metadata from the photo to tag the date/time/location vs having to select a vague location to submit a checklist.

Did meet with a few others out photographing the birds. One gentleman from Carson Valley had a super fast camera to snap multiple pictures, as I was busy trying to focus. We stood around for a bit identifying different birds. Which is when I learned my new 10x50 binoculars are better than my camera! I could see ducks on the far side of the pond clearly that my poor camera could only get a fuzzy shape for. Hurmmmm, have to ponder this.

Trying something new. I'll post the best four pictures here and then if you'd like to see the rest of the birds I saw, they'll be uploaded here: (It's just an experiment).

#eaglevalley #carsoncity #nevada #birds #birding #birdwatching #wildlife #naturephotography #wildlifephotography #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #blackphobe #redwingedblackbird #mallard #songsparrow #cinnamonteal #gadwell #marshwren #canadagoose #wilsonssnipe #americancoot #lesserscaup #piedbilledgrebe #ruddyduck #canvasback

Last updated 2 years ago

Jeremy Tekell · @TekellJ
338 followers · 875 posts · Server
Speckdäne · @Speckdaene
273 followers · 2565 posts · Server
Bobert McBob · @BobertMcBob
5 followers · 9 posts · Server

More pictures after a break for bad weather. We went out New Years Day to get a start on our yearlist. I got a great picture of a , except for the cut-off tail, a , a and (maybe) a maculatus in light rain.

#birding #chestnutbackedchickadee #lesserscaup #blackcappedchickadee #spottedtowhee

Last updated 2 years ago

HikerSelma · @HikerSelma
226 followers · 643 posts · Server

Ducks floating along the South Platte River in Denver Metro on a lazy Sunday afternoon. 1) Female Lesser Scaup. 2) Male Common Goldeneye Duck 3) Male Bufflehead Duck 4) Male Hooded Merganser Duck and less colorful female with beige hood.
What a thrill to sight the hooded merganser for the first time. Their numbers are increasing in Colorado.
Platte River

#ducks #nature #photography #south #hoodedmerganser #commongoldeneye #bufflehead #lesserscaup

Last updated 2 years ago