Minna Kanerva · @minna
166 followers · 41 posts · Server spore.social

“I’m thrilled that today the judges agreed with our analysis that ignoring the advice of governmental climate change advisers may well be illegal, and I hope it marks the beginning of policymakers in government taking action that may well mitigate climate change in food and farming, rather than continuing to hurl us all towards climate catastrophe.”

#lessmeat #climatecrisis

Last updated 1 year ago

Tab Combs · @DrTCombs
1884 followers · 1263 posts · Server transportation.social

What's the market for that are both low carb & low meat?

We have a family member who has to eat low carb. We also strive to . This has forced me to get pretty creative in the kitchen. I've built a decent repertoire of recipes that are -friendly, kid-friendly, working-parent-friendly, animal-friendly(ish), & don't use artificial sweeteners. It's a niche need, but curious if anyone else out there is chasing a similar diet & could use help!

#recipes #EatLessMeat #keto #cookbook #lessmeat #lowcarb

Last updated 1 year ago

@TwraSun ich finde auch schlimm, dass in Restaurants vegetarische Gerichte nach wie vor kaum zu finden sind, vegane schon gar nicht. Viele Kellner:innen scheinen nicht einmal den Unterschied zwischen den beiden zu kennen.

Ich weise in Restaurants (obwohl ich Flexitarier bin) jetzt immer drauf hin, dass ich mir mehr vegetarische Gerichte auf der Karte wünschen würde.

#lessmeat #vegetarian #govegan

Last updated 1 year ago

"If everyone chose plant-based foods for just half their meals, we would have fewer animals suffering, and a tremendously better shot at avoiding the most dire consequences of climate change."

Peter Singer: Fix Your Diet, Save the Planet nyti.ms/3KZbgt9

#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #dietchange #lessmeat

Last updated 1 year ago

Sustentabilidade é Acção · @Sustent_Accao
124 followers · 104 posts · Server masto.pt

Vegetariano à semana
Para aqueles que sabem os impactos negativos que a pecuária tem no ambiente, e que se preocupam com a saúde e o bem estar animal, mas não estão prontos para serem vegetarianos, uma solução poderia ser seguir o concelho de Graham Hill, o canadiano fundador do site Treehugger: ser vegetariano de segunda a sexta-feira.


#alimentacao #vegetarianismo #menoscarne #lessmeat

Last updated 2 years ago

Andrea Learned · @AndreaLearned
120 followers · 15 posts · Server urbanists.social

“Commodity markets put a far greater value on forest products, such as beef, gold, timber, soy and iron-ore, than they do on the forest itself.” Jonathan Watts @guardian
We, U.S. consumers, can reduce the value of these commodities: eat . It’s past time for


#lessmeat #foodsystems #justtransition #plantbased

Last updated 2 years ago

Bríd McGrath · @bridmcgrath
235 followers · 510 posts · Server mastodon.ie

@ipbes it’s so easy to live with this diet! Just eat & . Loads of delicious other things to eat which you probably never think of if you eat meat frequently.

#lessmeat #fish

Last updated 2 years ago