#LessonLearnt by junior #coders today: When you meet seemingly outlandish recommendations of not writing any explicit "new" in any of your own constructors, pay heed or you may be on a wild adventure.
Also don't forget proper disposing pattern even when it "seems unneeded".
You're welcome.
@MarSolRivas Sad but true. Also, this bunch was sold in a bag (ugh), thwarting my usual tactic of grabbing individual bananas from different bunches at different stages of ripeness (so they don’t all go bad at once). #lessonLearnt
Not the Arc de Triomphe
#lessonlearnt #wrongstation #paris
I will tell you a joke about how we do not learn any lesson from the incidents. It could be either cyber incidents or real world (like Earthquakes)
A man (named Temel) was walking on the street and saw a banana skin and said "damn, I will fall again"
I know it is not funny. Indeed, Sad but True (not a Metallica song)
#cybersecurity #incidentresponse #lessonlearnt
I chose the lid/box orientation this way because I wanted to put an e-Paper display I have lying around in the lid later on.
But that wouldn't have worked now anymore because no space with all the insulation stuffing.
Might sacrifice another #Tupperware box, if I have one of the right size.
Another #lessonlearnt.
@ElisaUllien ah yes! I left mine with just mulch on top so it never survived the gentle drift of dandelion seeds from next door meadow. #lessonlearnt I think I'll cover it up if I ever plan to leave it again.
Saying that it wasn't hard to dig them all out and was much easier than past experience of DIG beds.
Der belarussische Diktator kann ein Flugzeug vom Himmel holen und einen „Verräter“ festnehmen lassen:
- die Welt diskutiert und schaut zu
Olympische Spiele im Menschenrechte verletzenden China:
- die Welt diskutiert und schaut zu
Putin, hat die Krim annektiert, marschiert in der Ukraine ein:
- die Welt diskutiert und schaut zu
Wie es weiter geht:
- Die Welt wird diskutieren und zuschauen
#UkraineCrisis #ukrainekrise #tuesday #world #lessonlearnt
U shud learn to deal trolls wit left-hand... மரியாத குடுத்து விளக்கம்-லாம் கொடுத்தாலும் கேக்கப் போறதில்ல...
#TIL #LessonLearnt