Because my last one was pretty popular (and is deleted now that I've set my posts to expire after 3 months), here is another list of my favourite #FOSS #software :
#Cryptomator -- encrypts files saved in a sync folder before they get uploaded to the cloud; great if you use Google Drive, Dropbox or another provider that doesn't offer end-to-end encryption (or, even if you do - belt and braces)
#Syncthing -- peer-to-peer file syncing over your local wifi network
#ShareX -- similar to Syncthing, but does not have to use the internet. Use your phone's hotspot to connect with a peer and share files via a web browser interface. Lighter and simpler to set up than Syncthing.
#Picocrypt -- on-the-fly file encryption
#LibreOffice -- free office suite, an almost drop-in replacement for MS Office
#KeePassXC and #KeePassDX -- XC is for desktop and DX is for Android only; offline password manager, saves your credentials in a file to your device that you can decide to back up (or not) manually; compatible with Yubikeys, OnlyKeys and other #FIDO2 devices
#LessPass -- stateless password generator that uses what you input every time to generate the same random-looking password every time
#Diceware Passwords -- Android app that uses data from (or Android's built-in pseudorandom number generator) to create passphrases
#RemoteKeyboard -- link with #PuTTY to type on your Android phone from your laptop over wifi
#GnomeBoxes -- run virtual machines, like VirtualBox
#foss #software #cryptomator #syncthing #sharex #picocrypt #libreoffice #keepassxc #keepassdx #fido2 #lesspass #diceware #remotekeyboard #putty #gnomeboxes
@ademalsasa I use #LessPass since several years ago. It's not really a password manager because it doesn't store anything (and that's why I use it) đ
Iâm looking at migrating away from #LastPass - I am considering self-hosting BitWarden or using their SaaS service. However, do I truly believe in my heart-of-hearts that we wonât see the same headline about BW being breached in the next 5 years? Do I paint a target on my back by hosting my own and also not being a security specialist or do I benefit by not being in the âbig pondâ of SaaS users? Or, do I go stateless with #LessPass? (
I've discovered and I like the idea! any opinion about it ? It worth switching to it? I'm using keepass and is true that it has limitations but it works...
What do you think of LessPaas ? #lesspass
@francks @Aznorth @clov Top, je ne connaissais pas #lesspass.
> Le mot de passe est généré à chaque utilisation via une fonction pure.
Une fonction pure est une fonction sans effet de bord.
De fait, appelĂ©e avec les mĂȘmes arguments, elle garantie un mĂȘme rĂ©sultat systĂ©matiquement.
Ici, le site, le login et la phrase de passe sont les arguments. Ils sont propres Ă chacun et donc identiques Ă chaque appel pour chaque personne, donc, mĂȘme rĂ©sultat.
@PacoVelobs @Aznorth @clov pas tant compliquĂ© que limitant, puisqu'on ne peux ajouter des entrĂ©es que dans une seule base. OuĂ©, pour quelques end users je pense Ă #bitwarden ... RĂ©cemment je teste aussi #lesspass ça Ă l'air d'ĂȘtre ZE truc ! qui gĂšre les mots de passe sans base de donnĂ©e et sans sauvegarde, mais je ne comprends pas encore bien comment l'utiliser et encore moins comment ça fonctionne...
@cnti_ve una de mis aplicaciones dĂa a dĂa y que es muy importante, ha sido #LessPass (
#LessPass es una herramienta que permite gestionar y/o administrar nuestras contraseñas de manera fĂĄcil, rĂĄpida y segura, sin necesidad de sincronizarse con ningĂșn servidor.
Genera contraseñas Ășnicas para sitios web, cuentas de email o cualquier otra cosa en base a una contraseña maestra.
Je viens de dĂ©couvrir #lesspass ! C'est vraiment sympa comme fonctionnement đ
Thanks for the link! After reading it, I get the impression that telepathy a stateless password manager similar to #lesspass ( Is that generally right or am I missing something?
NouveautĂ© sur #LessPass: on peut facilement choisir comment gĂ©nĂ©rer le mot de passe Ă partir du nom de domaine đ
LA fonctionnalitĂ© que jâattendais :D