Reset the counter on the "days since thedudewhosadude skanked" clock! Fucking Less Than Jake. FORMATIVE in my intro to music that wasn't just radio. Hit at the same time as Bowie and I dove into punk from there. What a wholesome fucking community they have 😭 #Ska #lessthanjake
Just back home from #bradford. Got to see the #nofx tour show in #leeds on friday (but I didn't have a ticket to #slamdunk 😢 ) and it was amazing. Ended up in the pit (unintentionally) and had like four people crowdsurf over my head. Loved #lagwagon and #lessthanjake
#lessthanjake #lagwagon #slamdunk #leeds #nofx #bradford
The key-change toward the end of "All My Best Friends Are Metalheads" still feels jarring and unnecessary. #Ska #LessThanJake