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Bo / Les Vacances De Monsieur Hulot:
🎵 Les vacances de monsieur Hulot : Quel temps fait-il a Paris

#nowplaying #bo #lesvacancesdemonsieurhulot

Last updated 2 years ago

James Lewis · @LARPingRealLife
15 followers · 37 posts · Server mstdn.party

A few times a year, my heart yearns for and the world he creates in all of his films. I can remember watching when my son was an infant. I would walk him back and forth while the movie played. The jazz score for that film would always soothe him.

I love this snippet from an interview on English TV. Here Tati demonstrates the differences between London and Paris police officers as they direct traffic.


#jacquestati #lesvacancesdemonsieurhulot

Last updated 2 years ago